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Eden PoV

This place was incredible. It was like a supernatural headquarters that would rival any comic book heroes base. I was fairly sure we were underground but it was so well equipped and designed that you'd never know it.
There was something familiar about this place too, but I just couldn't put my finger on what made me feel that way or where exactly we were. It didn't really matter as long as we were safe.

We'd followed Cole into a sterile white room that turned out to be an operating theatre with all the machines surrounding a surgical bed. I glanced over to the far side of the room and noticed another area that looked like a hospital room. The doctor was already preparing for things and had laid out various things out on a silver table including syringes that he'd tapped and squirted to check them over.

Another burst of agonising pain hit me and I doubled over "fuck fuck fuck" I growled through gritted teeth. "The contractions are getting much more painful" There was a  tightness across my stomach that took my breath away and my back felt like I'd been repeatedly hit with a baseball bat.

"Eden, could you change into this gown please?" Beckett, Cole's pack doctor asked and held out a neatly folded pastel blue hospital gown for me.

"Come on baby, I'll help you" Blake took the gown from the doctor and kissed my forehead . The contraction has faded away and I exhaled a deep sigh and lulled against him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly against him. "It will all be okay baby, we got this!" He reassured me and my heart swelled at his supportiveness.

I didn't deserve it. Women did this every day. I didn't deserve his support.

"How about I show you around the place and we give Eden some privacy?" Cole suggested when nobody made a move to leave me to get changed.

"I'll help Eden, I'd like to check her over" Beckett gazed at Cole and then at Blake. He just crossed his arms over his chest as if to say 'I'm not going anywhere'

"He's a doctor Blake, I'll be okay" I assured him and slid off my coat and gave it to my mate. "Could you find somewhere to put that please?"

"Come on man, let the doc do his job. It's not like we are going far" Jace said to Blake and after a moment's thought, it was Jace's words that got through to Blake.

"Shout out if you need us okay?" Blake cocked his head to the side and gave me a serious look. I simply nodded and smiled when he placed the ghost of a kiss on my lips before he left.

Once it was just me and Beckett he discreetly assisted me in changing into the gown. "Everything is ready" he informed me quietly.

"Good. How long will Sawyer be?" That was a relief to hear and positive news about my brother would be good too.

"Your brother is back in the land of the living. He just left to come here! " Beckett told me as he began to take my vitals. He checked my blood pressure, my pulse, my heartbeat and then he placed two bands across my belly which had small monitors attached to them which monitored the twins heartbeats. Another wider band monitored my contractions and they were all  linked to a huge tv screen, computer  monitor thing.

There was a massive goofy ass grin upon my face as the doctor did his work and I couldn't wait to see Sawyer in the flesh again. But then I thought about what he had just been through and how it could affect a person and my smile faded into a concerned chewing of the inside of my cheek.

"And he's okay? There won't be any permanent damage?" My words were hesitant and fearful and that's exactly how I felt.

"He is absolutely fine. He'll probably remember what happened to him but I'm sure that will have a minimal effect on him" Beckett explained honestly. "He is tight, it seems all three Quinn siblings are.  I guess going through bad shit makes you that way!! !" He quipped.

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