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Jaces PoV

As alpha, it was my job to always have the answers. It was up to me to always know how to solve problems and fix my pack's issues.

As a mate, my role was similar in a lot of ways. I was to do anything I could to protect Eden from harm and ease her pain.

Fucking anything.

But this was something completely off the charts. I didn't see this coming, even though I probably should have.

Numbly, I just watched on as the entire world slowed down until everything seemed to stop. We were all frozen for what felt like minutes but were just a few seconds. Before the most excruciating, soul-destroying wail hit my ears.

A tsunami of grief washed over me through my bond with Eden and it almost rocked me onto my knees.

Memories of the moment I felt her die before I'd even met her flashed through my mind and the pain that she was feeling now echoed that of my emotions on that day. But my experience had only lasted a few seconds before I felt our bond spark back to life again, as Eden rose again too.

Utter joy had quickly replaced my sadness and I hated that Eden didn't have the opportunity to feel that with her brother. People didn't just come back to life that often did they? Not unless they were vampires or some other supernatural being that had that power.

So many questions swirled around my head because I didn't know what the hell to do. I felt so powerless and I fucking hated it.

How on earth could I comfort her during this tragedy?

Could I have protected her from it or even have gone to greater lengths to ensure that Sawyer was safer?

Fuck... should we have seen this coming? Did we hugely underestimate our sicko fathers?


The cold hard truth was we should have seen it coming, or at least considered it as a more serious risk. We should have gone to greater lengths to ensure we were all safe, at all times. At any cost.

We had failed.

I had failed.

Fuck. Fuck. Double fuck.

I was going to rip the three fathers' heads right off of their bodies. Then I was going to feed them to the dogs.

I glanced up at Sawyer. He was a mess. I couldn't imagine the agony he'd gone through. It was torture, plain and simple.

They had tortured him for information and from what he said on the video he hadn't given anything away. I had huge respect for him for the lengths made to protect Eden. To protect our children.

He had hurt her in the past and I'd hated him for that, but that was until I discovered that none of it wasn't his fault. He loved Eden a lot and he would never hurt her intentionally. He was a good man. He didn't deserve this.


I ran my hand through my hair in frustration, He really didn't deserve this.

But Sawyer was fully aware that what he was doing was dangerous, he was playing a dangerous game operating on both sides of this war but he had alpha blood in him.

He was strong and determined, nobody could stop him from being a double agent. It was his idea and it had helped us gain insight into what they were up to. Without him doing that we'd be far less clued up about the evil group's plans. Sawyer would have been a great alpha for the Woodmoor pack.

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