Second chance

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Eden PoV

The moon in its first quarter phase, sat high in the sky surrounded by bright white stars that glimmered against the stark darkness behind them.

It was the most beautiful sight and I sought comfort in the knowledge that the moon and the stars would always shine.

No matter what happened down here on Earth, they were a constant.

I headed down the steps and onto the stubby frost tipped blades of grass and heard it crunch under my feet with every move I made. I wasn't far from the packhouse but the stars seemed even brightest now without the shadow of the porch looking overhead.

When we were kids Sawyer, Skylar, Harry and I would often sneak out late at night with blankets and lay under the twinkling stars and just marvel in silence at their mesmerising beauty.

For the longest time we were convinced that they were magical and that witches brewed a spell in their cauldrons and decorated the sky with them for everyone to wonder at. When the grim, grey clouds set in and covered the stairs it meant that something or someone had upset the witches and in reaction to this, they'd punished us all by taking the stars away.

I chuckled to myself at this childhood memory.

"What are you laughing at, baby?" Blake enquired having crept up on me as I was deep in thought.

Jace was beside him with a look of equal intrigue. Every covered in blood that had dried across their clothes and skin, in their hair and under their nails they were still both ridiculously gorgeous and I thanked the goddess for everything I'd been blessed with. Especially Blake and Jace, my loves, my best friends and my mates.

"It's nothing I was just remembering something silly we used to believe as kids, about the stars"

"I'm sure it's not silly" Jace arched a dark brow in challenge.

" We used to believe that witches made a spell that put the stars in the sky. When bad things happened they took them away" As I spoke I gazed into the distance to the east where the pack had gone.

The last of the car lights had vanished hours ago but we'd all hung around outside trying to process things as they happened. It was one thing to make a plan but it was totally different to experience it first hand.

But we'd already got word that the first of the convoy had arrived at alpha Clinton's pack and were warmly greeted so that had put our minds at ease for now.

"We did the right thing Eden. Plus your childhood memory isn't silly, I think it's a lovely thing to think about as a kid!" Jace wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and pulled my back against his chest, his body heat seeped through my coat and warned my bones.

A shiver snaked through my body but it wasn't because I was cold.

"Naughty girl" Blake chastised me playfully, he winked at me as he licked his lips and made me knees weaken at the sight.

"Tut tut my Luna. Filling our heads with such dirty thoughts" Jace whispered in my ear before nibbling on the lobe.

"Fuck" I muttered, I'd left our mindlink open whilst filthy ideas ran through my mind as my hormones took control of me.

"Oh yeh we are gonna fuck baby, but there's so much more we wanna do to you first" Blake explained stepping so close to me that his lips brushed over mine as he spoke. "I'm guessing you haven't checked the time lately. Happy birthday Eden" he added before capturing my lips in a slow, soft kiss that stole my breath and made my body ache for so much more.

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