Let it go

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Let it go- (James Bay) Cover by Sofia Karlsberg

⚠️a/n pls listen to the song to get a feel for the mood of the chapter and characters in this moment! Thank you so much⚠️

Three hours later the bus pulled up at the end of the line and I couldn't wait to get off and stretch my legs. As soon as I had my luggage I began to make my way into the heart of the busy town of Eastley keeping my eye out for a hotel or even a shitty little motel at this point. I just wanted to get a roof over my head for the night before it got dark.

Eastley was bigger than Woodmoor and although it felt a little intimidating it's size also gave me the opportunity to blend in with the crowds more not be noticed.
As I walked along the Main Street of the town I caught the scent of a wolf, a pretty looking young lady with wild curly hair and a bright smile which mads me think she had smelt me too. I managed to make eye contact and smiled softly as a I approached her.
"Hi sorry to bother you but could you give me directions to the nearest hotel or motel please?" I asked politely

"No I'm sorry I cant" she grinned happily despite not being able to help

"Oh okay no worries sorry to have bothered you"

"You are new in town?"

"Yeh just got off the bus! I guess the suitcase gave it away huh?" Nodding my head towards my luggage I couldn't help but feel comfortable talking to her despite her being a complete stranger. There was something about her aura or something that felt warm and friendly.

"Well that and most of 'us' know each other here!" Wolves, I assumed she meant wolves by the 'us' so overly pronounced and winked at me.

"I'm Eden" shit,Stupid move- maybe I should have given her a fake name but it was to late now.

"Hi Eden I'm Indigo but my friends call me Indy"

"Well it's really great to meet you Indigo but I have gotta go find a place to stay"

"It's Indy, we are friends now Eden and it's your lucky day because there's a spare room in my apartment that now belongs to you" Indigo, I mean Indy was my guardian angel. It was so strange that the first person I meant was so sweet and had a spare room.

I should be suspicious but I was sad and tired and more than anything I needed a bed to sleep in. Having a friend here would be amazing too.

"Seriously? I mean if that's okay I'd love to"

"Absolutely. Let's go home and I'll introduce you to our other room mate Aubrey, she's super sweet and so funny" Indy explained as she began to lead me back where she'd just come from. What a nice person to just change her plans to help me.

We chatted about general things as we walked and she explained that most supernatural beings hung out at a bar called the Thunder Moon which sounded like Eastleys version of Woodies and something about that gave me a sense of comfort. Indy mentioned that she was good friends with the bars owner Daxton and he was looking for staff and she'd talk to him about giving me a job.

It was funny how easy things were starting to work out here and the lack of stress was refreshing.

"Hey can we just stop so I can grab a new phone" I stopped at the phone shop and knew I needed a phone to keep contact with Blake which was part of the deal of him letting me leave Woodmoor. Regular check-ins to make sure I things were okay.

"You don't have a phone?!" Indy gasped in surprise, I mean it did sound weird that an 18yr old didn't have a phone!

"It's a long story!" I rolled my eyes not wanting to share that tale right now.

3 weeks later

"Ede here's your order for table 26 then go home and rest. You don't look too good today, no offence" Daxton informed me placing a tray of drinks on the bar so that I could go take then to the customers.

"Thanks Dax . I don't feel great. Oh before I forgot Table 3 want another round of the same" I advised as a headed over to my customers feeling my feet aching after being on my feet all day and looking forward to the end of my shift. I just needed to serve table 26 and I could go home and chill, I was sure I was coming down with a virus of some kind. . I felt tired and sweaty. My body felt itchy like my blood was overheating from inside my veins. If I closed my eyes I could hear it flowing smoothly from my brain to my toes.

"EDEN!!" Aubrey shrilled throwing her arms around me as I walked in the front door of our apartment.

"Hey Aub how's your day go?" I smiled throwing my bag on the sofa and sliding my boots from my sore feet.

"It was boring. But I got the stuff I wanted so tonight my girl we are turning me into a new, updated Aubrey" She giggled waving a huge bag of products in front of her excitedly.

"Out with the old, in with the new right ? you are gonna look so cool Aub!!" Aubrey and Indy were breathes of fresh air in my life and we had a lot of fun together. Aubrey had asked me to help to colour her hair to give her a different look because according to Indy she changed it almost monthly and often messed it up doing it by herself!

While Aubrey gave me a pamper session as her hair colour developed Indy was busy planning a wild night out on the town at a new nightclub called 'Prism' which was the latest Social hot spot.

Once Aubreys hair was done and we were all ready to go she came out to reveal her amazingly bright blue hair. I laughed as she strutted around like a supermodel flicking her locks over her shoulder and pouting hard until a pair of beaming bright blue eyes drifted into my head. The thought of Jaces intense gaze made my stomach twist into knots and bile threatened to escape from my gut. Thinking about him hurt so much that I tried my best not to but little things would trigger thoughts of him and make my heart feel like it was being crushed all over again.

"Hey Ede what's wrong?" Indy slid an arm around me and watched me carefully

"It's the guy right? The one you ran away from?" Aubrey asked gently knowing it was a sensitive subject.

I hadn't told them much about why I'd left my pack and essentially become a rogue. It was too soon to talk about it and the emotions were still way too raw. Luckily the girls respected me enough not to push for anymore information and I was grateful for that. After all is left to escape my old life so the last thing I wanted was to re-live it.

"I'm okay really, I'm just still not feeling 100% " I admitted still feeling queasy and not quite myself.

"But you are still coming out right?" Indy pleaded

"Yeh now lets go before we miss our Uber" I agreed with a deep breathe and pushed through my misery and weirdness.

Prism turned out to be great fun but a blinding headache struck me and I ended up going home early to bed unable to bare the seering pain in my head any longer. I left the girls to party and get drunk knowing the would stumble home eventually.

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