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Blake PoV

I should have been shocked when Sawyer made his ghostly appearance but nothing seemed to faze me these days. Things got crazier each and every day and so I was always awaiting the next insane event to occur.

Maybe they'd put something in the water of Woodmoor and it had affected people in different ways. Some turned evil, some got physic abilities like Sawyer did when he had visions of the future. Eden had become one of the most powerful and determined people I'd ever met and she was definitely the sexiest person I'd ever met. That was for certain.

But jokes aside there was something fucked up about this town.

The Three Fathers were all absolute monsters, we already knew that much. But as Cole and Sawyer explained what had happened to Eden, Issac Quinn had reached the top of my shitlist.

My mind was working overtime as I imagined a million different ways in which I planned on torturing and killing Edens father. I'd get Amara to revive him so that I could inflict more pain and death upon him.

I'd have him crying and pleading for mercy and I'd remind him of the evil things he'd done to his own fucking daughter, my mate, and I'd see if he thought he deserved mercy after that.

I could almost taste his blood in the air, my thirst for revenge was that intense.

Eden was in labour whether she wanted to admit it or not and on top of the horrific things she'd been told about her childhood she needed Jace and I to be there for her more than ever.

Therefore I tampered down my need for vengeance and focused all of my energy upon her instead. The moment my mind became clear of the need for blood and anger something occurred to me.

"Holy shit" I muttered as I really took in what Sawyer and Cole had explained about all of the awful things their parents did to Eden. I jumped to my feet.

"Blake, are you okay?" Eden asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm okay baby. Where are all those old books you were studying in the library when you were trying to find out about the prophecy?" I asked, an anxious energy rushed through me.

"I hid them in my office" Jace answered. It wasn't a shock to find out he'd hidden them to prevent anyone stealing them.

"Well go get them cos I think I know what happened to Eden" I urged him.

"I'm not leaving Eden" Jace shook his head firmly.

"Please. For me?" Eden pleaded with wide eyes and fluttered her lashes at him. When she did that we were unable to say no to her, we just became putty in her petite hands.

"I'll be five minutes max" he said as he walked to the door. Then he looked back over his shoulder at us. "Umm love, I'm gonna need you to open the door" he chuckled at Eden who had obviously done something to lock the door.

"Oops sorry" she cringed and focused hard on the door for a second or two before it clicked open.

"I know how important this is to you and I'm right here. I gotta ask though, you do know you can't put off having these babies forever right?" I joked with my mate and placed my hand over her belly, the twins slowly wriggled around and it made me so excited to finally see them and hold them in my arms.

"I don't think I've got much choice in that really! Plus I'm so excited to finally see and hold our babies in my arms " Eden grinned as she repeated exactly what I'd just thought.

"Were you just sneaking around in my head baby?" The cheeky little minx. I kissed her lips softly and rested my forehead against hers. "It's gonna be okay in the end, I promise you that. I love you" every word I said was the truth.

"I love you too" she told me and no matter how much she said it my chest still swelled every time. She was my world.

It wasn't long before Jace returned with a pile of old books under his arm which he laid out on the table.

"What are we looking for?" Eden questioned as she followed me to the table.

"I'll know it when I see it" This was purely a hunch so I couldn't explain much about it. I just remembered seeing something or hearing something decades or even centuries ago.

"Sorry it's so vague but it's something your brothers said that made me think I'd heard a myth or something like that which was like what happened to you. Why don't you go rest on the sofa and spend time with your brothers. I'll be right here and as soon as I find something I'll let you know" She would have denied it but I could tell Eden was tired and wanted to be close to her brothers, especially Sawyer right now. His apparent death had nearly broken her.

"I don't mind helping if you give me a clue what I'm looking for" my lovely mate smiled sweetly and it melted me. I was such a lovesick puppy when it came to Eden.

"Baby, go rest. You're gonna need it" labour wasn't an easy feat. We'd all read the pregnancy books and even as strong as she was, I had a feeling it would be rough going for Eden.

"Yes Sir" she rolled her eyes at my bossiness and saluted me.

"I kinda like that for a later date baby" I stashed the idea of Eden calling me Sir in a very different setting to this in my mind for a later date and tried to focus my attention on my search.

I took a seat and began to scour through the indexes of book after book with no luck and I was almost sure the thing I was after just didn't exist. Maybe I'd got mixed up or imagined it until... bam- The very last book had a possible link to what I had been searching for!

As soon as the right pages were fully open I was speed reading them to find out if it held the information I wanted. It wasn't an English language book but it didn't hold any issues for me as I'd spent my life learning as many languages as possible in an effort to cure my everlasting boredom until I'd met Eden.

Immortality sounds fantastic until you get bored out of your mind and struggle to find pleasure or entertainment in anything.

But the more I read the more disappointed I felt because this information was so vague that it didn't tell me what I was looking for, it was more like a clue of where to look next.

I felt like shit.

Had I built up Eden's hopes only to have them crashed down in pieces around her?

How could I tell her all about this setback?

My stomach twisted into a tight knot of anxiety as I faced the fact that I had barely gotten anywhere in the hunt for what I'd been searching for. I'd failed. I'd failed my mate.

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