Poor old Octi

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Eden PoV

After tussling with my captor and creating a distraction I'd managed to free myself and remove whatever magical door that had kept Jace and Blake out of the Woodmoor space. Chaos broke out the moment the barrier disappeared and  I used that to my advantage. Whilst everyone was fully involved in the huge fight that had occurred, I quickly used a small burst of magical energy to boost my speed and headed into the packhouse.

I searched everywhere for my father, intent on being the one that took him down with the help of my brothers.

Woodmoor warriors rushed past me but paid little attention which told me that they had far more pressing matters to deal with, my mates and family no doubt.

Mia had left not long after she'd beaten me to a pulp and I still hadn't healed myself for fear of giving myself away and ruining our plan. My face hurt all over and I had been pretty sure I had a busted lip in several places as well as a badly swollen jaw and eyes.

Another wave of guards charged down the corridor on the second floor and this time I recognised several faces that led the march.

Panicked and scared of being caught and not fulfilling my role in this attack I tried to open the first door I saw. It was locked so I shoved it as hard as I could and went flying through it and flicked my finger to shut it again.

A frightened whimper drew my attention and I spun around to find a figure curled up in the corner of the room. She  practically vibrated with fear and her long red wavy hair acted as a curtain to hide behind.

"Holy shit" I uttered in surprise that I wasn't alone in here.

My outburst seemed to do nothing but put even more fright into her fragile state. She pushed her back against the wall in order to get as far away from me as possible and the thought that she was another victim of the Three Fathers made my insides twist with anger.

"Hey. It's okay. I won't hurt you" my words were calm and quiet in order not to scare her anymore than she was.

She tipped her chin into her chest in a desperate attempt to make herself as invisible as possible.

I slowly crouched down in front of her, every movement slow and controlled as if I was approaching a wounded or scared animal. Well she was a wolf, I knew that from her scent but I couldn't get anymore from it because the sense of fear overwhelmed everything else.

"I'm so sorry I barged in like that and scared you"

Nothing was said in response to my apology.

"I'm Eden. I grew up here, in this house. I won't hurt you"

The second I said my name her head shot up and her hair flayed back over her shoulders,her eyes widened in shock. Or perhaps acknowledgment?

"You're her?  You're really her?" She said twice like she was in shock or imagining things. "Eden. You're Eden?" She said my name slowly like she still wasn't convinced or just completely shocked by my appearance.

Quite frankly I didn't have a clue why she'd reacted that way but I knew I couldn't leave her here to escape by herself.

"Yes it's really me" I reached out and gently ran my fingers over her forearm so she knew I was real.

But I had no clue why she knew me. "How do you know about me?" I frowned with curiosity.

"I've heard them talking about you. It's all they do. She did it too. She hates you so much and never stopped talking about how much she wanted to kill you" the girl was about my age and so pretty with big blue eyes and a splatter of freckles across her cheeks and nose.

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