Maternal instincts

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Eden pov

I didn't understand exactly why I felt so confident in my beliefs regarding what I thought our fathers had planned. However I knew deep down in my heart and soul that I was right.

For some reason getting hold of our babies was their ultimate goal and as determined as I was to protect them at all costs, I couldn't help but dread the mere thought of the Three Fathers getting their evil hands on them.

My head was a whirlwind. As soon as a sliver of fear crept it's way inside my brain, a fierce sense of inner strength would burn it away like a fire breathing dragon scorching it's enemy to nothing but embers.

Perhaps it was my maternal instincts driving me but there was no way on this earth that that would happen.

I'd die before my children were harmed , if they touched a hair on their heads I would kill each and every person that followed them right in front of their eyes before I focused my sights on their slaughter.  

The way my mates immediately believed in my theory gave me so much comfort. Just the fact that I knew in my bones that they were starting to see me as a strong person in my own right felt so good.

As much as I adored the love and protection they gave me, I also needed to be my own person and to stand my own ground.

I was going to be a mum and I refused to let my own experience as a child be my guide for that role.

In fact I was fairly certain that if I did the exact opposite of what my own mother had done, I'd be doing a good job!

There was no way on this earth that I'd ever show such disregard and absolute disdain for my own flesh and blood. I wouldn't treat an animal the way my parents had treated me.

But that was the past and there was only one way I would deal with those wounds, I'd use them to become strong enough that I could protect myself and my children as well as protect my pack.

It was actually pretty simple in my eyes, I would be the Luna and parent that my mother could not be. I silently swore to the goddess that I'd be a force to be reckoned with.

Suddenly the doors burst open and an out of breath witch appeared in front of us.

Amara,  I thought you were staying at Clinton's pack in preparation to keep people safe?" Jace frowned at Amara, clearly annoyed and rather confused by her  interruption.

"I am needed here. There is a witch that lives with the pack, a part of it like I am here I guess. A hybrid, wolf and witch in fact,  Fallon is more than capable of protecting people. You'd like her Eden, she's a lot like you. She's keen to meet you once this chaos is over and done with" Amara spoke to all three of us but her eyes never left mine and a strange yet comforting invisible veil wrapped around my being.

It was almost as if someone had taken me into the safety of their embrace. But it seemed like I was the only one that felt it so I didn't make a fuss in case they thought I was losing it.

"Really, I'd love to meet her. She sounds incredible" I gasped as the veil settled weightlessly around me.

I focused on Amara's words and mused over how nice it would be to meet  someone else young and like me in the future.

If we had one that was.

"What made you think you were needed here?  I know you too well to believe that's just a meaningless statement" Blake furrowed his brows at her .

It could tell from our bond that he wasn't entirely sure what she was talking about but he knew whatever it was that had drawn her back here, it must be serious.

Blake knew her best so if he didn't know, Jace and I were never going to understand it until she explained it better.

"It's my job to protect Eden and her children throughout this crisis. Wherever Eden goes, I will be at her side. I cannot explain it but there is something linking me to Eden, a pull to maintain her safety at all times. I can still fulfil the original job I was given but I will need to be with Eden when she faces the fathers. That's not negotiable" As utterly intense as Amaras explanation was, I had to cover my mouth to stop myself giggling when both Jace and Blake stood to full height besides me. 

They crossed their arms over their chests at the same time reminding me of how far they'd come and also how alike they were these days.

I didn't know what to say to that. This was all so confusing really.

"Fine, but you will have to use the same magic that we discussed on yourself or they'll kill you on sight" Jace sighed clearly unable to gather the strength to augue.

"Like I said, my job is to protect Eden and the babies, I'll do whatever it requires to do that, even if it's my life that is sacrificed for theirs" somehow from the gleam of honour in her eyes I was sure that she really would die before she let anything happen to us.

I didn't have the words to express my gratitude for that and I'm not sure Amara was the type of woman who held much value to words anyway.

Amara was quiet after that. We all were as this new revelation sank in and we each made sense of it. Or at least as much sense as anything could have lately.

"The babies. The fathers want the babies don't they?" Amara suddenly cried out in despair.

My eyes widened in shock at how she had figured that out too.

"How do you know that?" I couldn't help it, I stared right at her. at her in surprise.

"I have no idea how I know it, but I know with every cell in my body that I'm right. You felt it too didn't you?" Becoming overwhelmed with everything and feeling an unworldly surge of protection towards my babies I knew that my eyes were changing colour as my supernatural elements threatened to overpower me in order to protect our babies. Our pups. Our little adorable vambabies.

Nobody said a word, the silence was deafening and told me everything I needed to know.

We were fucked.

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