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Eden PoV

Jace disappeared from the Void and there was a sudden shaking that felt like a small earthquake and when it stopped Blake and I found ourselves fully clothed again and it felt like we'd moved somehow. The darkness was just the same but something felt different, I just couldn't explain it.

"Did you feel that?" Blake asked, he took my hand in his and linked our fingers.

"Yeh it was weird wasn't it?" At least I wasn't going crazy, or at least not alone.

That was a thing though wasn't it? Mass hysteria??

Nothing would shock me anymore.

Maybe Me, Blake and Jace had just gone insane together and our warped minds had concocted this entire scenario.

"Very weird for sure. But look, it wasn't like that before, was it?" Blake suddenly gestured around us. The Void around us had altered into a T shape with us standing right at the intersection. "What the actual fuck" he sighed in frustration and confusion.

"So which way'd we go?" I asked him not sure what to do next. "I wish someone or something in this place would give us a damned clue or something" I sighed to myself, this place was quickly overwhelming me and I felt hopeless and lost.

I stared down at my feet and closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths in order to centre myself again.

"Eden you 're a genius - look!!" Blake yanked my hand and pulled me from my thoughts .

I looked at where he was taking me and saw a bright red door that had appeared about fifty metres down the path right ahead of us. The door was slightly ajar like something had invited us in.

We practically ran to the door and then paused at it as uncertainty bounced between us through our bond.

"Isn't it odd I asked for a sign then bam there it was? No door opened like this before either!" I couldn't help but point out my cautious thoughts.

"No you're right, maybe it's because it's something we have to see. The closed doors gave us an option if we wanted to open them or not. Maybe this is different because it's really important we see it" Blake counted my argument in a logical manner and he squeezed my hand.

With his support and strength I knew we had to face whatever was behind it. I simply nodded and we stepped forward hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

The moment our feet stepped through the door it slammed shut, a howling, bitterly cold wind whipped against us. My hair danced around wildly and repeatedly covered my face, it felt like tiny whips smacking me across my face.

Luckily I always kept a hair tie on my wrist so I gathered it together and put it up on a messy bun.

Once I could see better I scanned the scene before us and shook my head. "I've got no idea where we are. How about you?" My question came out of my mouth harsher than I meant it to and I winced as soon as it registered in my head.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm just confused and frustrated" Blake had flashed me one of his gorgeous grins and wrapped his arms around me so it was obvious he hadn't taken offence but it didn't stop me from feeling bad and apologising.

"Tensions are high. We are all feeling confused and frustrated, baby. But we are in this together okay? I've got you" He spoke in such a calm manner that it was hard to find any other way.

No wonder he was so good at compulsion, his soft, calming voice would convince anyone or practically anything. I chuckled at that thought.

"What's funny?" He furrowed his brows and leant his head back a little to examine me.

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