The ghost of my father

689 35 9

Dec 24th


It was hard to believe that it was Christmas Eve.

The Silverhaven ackhouse had been made to look festive and the children of the pack had decorated the huge Christmas tree that sat beside the large open fireplace in the living room.

But there was something missing that made it feel so wrong.

Nobody had huge happy smiles on their faces at the thought of sharing such a special day with their loved ones. Those of us that were left wore matching expressions that consisted of a mixture of dread and frustration.

The children weren't here anymore to enjoy the Christmas party that we threw each Christmas Eve where they'd get a visit from Santa and receive a gift from him and the alpha.

In the week that led up to Christmas Day Hayden always insisted on having merry music playing through the packhouse and on a loud speaker out into the ground.

I hated it but it always put a smile on his face and reminded him of when we were young and our family was complete.

Our parents were alive, our dad was alpha and we were just kids running riot and getting over excited about what gifts Santa would give us. My sister Natalia always wanted dolls and girly things until she turned 12 and she found out the truth about hood old Saint Nick!

After that she used her energy to arrange for the younger kids to make paper chains to decorate their houses, elf of the shelves where each day the kids would get together and talk about what their naughty little elf had got up to that night.

She was just a kid herself but all she truly wanted was for the little ones to be happy.

But she loved Christmas music. She'd dance around to the old classics and sing at the top of her voice until she drove us all mad but mum would tell us off and encourage her to continue.

After Nat was attacked and our parents died, well we thought they'd both died, Nat went to stay with Blake and his siblings, to learn how to control her vampirism so she wouldn't hurt anyone.

Every year Hayden continued to do the things she'd done and insisted on an outside speaker for the music.

I knew deep down he hoped somehow she'd hear it and rush home to be with us again.
But sadly, that never happened.

Yet he never gave up. He played that bloody music loudly every day, for 7 days until the big day.

Every bloody year.

But not this year.

Nobody cared about Christmas Day, at least not in the same way we usually did.

But the good thing was that this year Nat had returned to us.

Everything else had gone to complete and utter shit but at least we had our sister back. But we also had an evil father to kill too.

So much already happened this year. I'd found my mate, my wonderful, beautiful Luna and she was everything I'd hoped for so much more. Eden was an absolute badass and a true goddess.

Over the years I'd seen many alphas and lunas but most of them held a dynamic that created an invisible wedge between them.

Alphas were the dominant, powerful ones that sat on a pedestal and their precious, weaker Lunas were always slightly below them. Alphas fiercely protected their lunas but in doing so in such an intense manner they also stifled them. Lunas were powerful beings in their own right. But sadly that was very rarely acknowledged or accepted within the werewolf world.

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