Hormones part 1

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Once we had eaten the delicious breakfast Logan and his kitchen assistant Jace had made, Logan grabbed his bag and began to make his way to his car.

Jace and Blake had gone ahead of me and the three men were locked in a short but serious conversation before I joined them.

The moment I was there they very obviously shifted the conversation and my mates thanked Logan for all his help before saying their goodbyes and leaving Logan and I alone.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to make it up to you Logan. I won't ever be able to thank you enough for your help the last few days" a tear ran down my cheek as my emotions, my gratitude overflowed.

"Eden, my sweet girl. You don't ever need to thank me for a damn thing. As far as I'm concerned you are my daughter and I'd do anything to help you" Logan smiled at me and the look in his eyes was what I believed to be fatherly love.

The power of that look threatened to be my undoing and more tears began to fall.

"It's just pregnancy hormones" I lied through my teeth not that Logan would have believed me anyway.

"You do know you'll see me tomorrow right? Now dry your eyes and enjoy your last day here. I have a nasty suspicion things are going to shit soon. Your fathers won't wait forever. Whatever they've got planned,  it will happen soon. I can feel it in my bones. So have fun today, make the most of it and I'll make sure your people are safe until your return. Love you darling" Logan stepped forward with his arms wide open and for a moment I hesitated, frozen with fear that I might hurt him if we touched.

But then I remembered he'd touched me in my wolf form and he'd been fine. Whatever was causing this magical barrier obviously thought Logan was not a threat.

With that comfort in mind I happily stepped into his embrace and held him tightly. "Safe journey home. I love you too... dad" testing out that last,  yet important word I smiled against Logan's chest feeling like nothing could ever harm me as long as I had him as my dad.

"Dad... I really like the sound of that sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow" with those words he got into his car, started the engine and drove away.

Once the car was out of sight I made my way back inside the house and headed straight up to the bedroom. I paced the floor as Logan's words echoed in my head.

'Your fathers won't wait forever. Whatever they've got planned, it will happen soon. I can feel it in my bones'

I knew he was right. Things had been too easy so far, too quiet.

We'd taken that as a good thing but what if we'd just been fooling ourselves and they were busy making an army worthy of destroying us whilst we just carried on with our day to day lives?!

I chewed on the tip of my finger as I continued to pace up and down the bedroom racking my brains for ideas.

What were our fathers up to?

Why were they so quiet?

How on Earth were we going to defend ourselves and end this threat once and for all?

I felt like my head was going to explode and it was only when a strong hand wrapped around my wrist that I realised I had an audience.

The metallic smell of blood hit me and it was then I realised I'd actually bitten into my finger and it was covered in blood.

Blake used the hand around my wrist to guide my finger to his mouth where he gently sucked on the wound moaning softly at the taste of my blood.

As he did that Jace stood so close behind me that I could feel the warmth of his body radiating into mine. His hands slid around my waist until he had locked his hands together just under my bump.

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