No logic

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Jace PoV

There was no sense of logic that would have had me inform my warriors of where Hayden and I were going, what our goal was and to take some of them with us.

I was the alpha and I was confident in my abilities and strength but I was far from invisible. I could heal from minor wounds but any serious injury would kill me just like it would any other wolf. Unlike Eden or Blake I didn't have all the time in the world at my fingertips. My life would end, whether it be from old age or a war wound.

It was only now as the only sound I heard was our paws hitting the ground that I realised how different things were for me. One day I would die and Blake and Eden would be left to continue their life as a pair. As a happy couple.

I would be a faint memory. I would be gone.

My gut twisted into a tight knot and bios threatened to flow up my throat and escape my snout.

How could I have only just thought of that? Of my mortality?

Would our children be mortal or would their life have no boundaries?

I pushed these thoughts of anguish to the back of my mind and growled loudly as the foul stench of rogues poisoned the air.

'We're close, stay alert' my eyes darted all around me, narrowing in on any potential spots within the thick shrubbery that these rogues could have hidden ready to ambush us.

The foliage thinned out as we neared the edge of our eastern territory. To my surprise four rogues stood in the opening not even bothering to make any effort to hide themselves.

One looked up as they heard our approach and rather than growl and immediately attack like I'd expected them to, he bowed his head in a show of respect and submission.

Yet I didn't buy it for one second.

If they had no ill intentions why make themselves known far out here rather than come to the pack and ask for a meeting.

'I don't believe their submission for a second' Hayden agreed with me just like I knew he would.

' Neither do I, but let them think we do so we can figure out what the hell they want!'

'Greeting Alpha Jace. My name is Jarrod. This is Keyton and Viro' the front wolf, a large size, for a rogue anyways, beige and brown wolf introduced themselves.

'Shift' was my reply. My tone was full on alpha which they couldn't resist even if they wanted to.

They three wolves shifted and the smallest one, Viro threw the others clothes from a backpack he had beside him.

Hayden and I shifted and retrieved clothes from a stash hidden within the large tree that marked the end of the tightly knitted forest that stretched from here to the edge of the packhouse.

"We appreciate you coming all the way out here to meet us" Jarrod, a dark skinned man in his thirties said once we were all fully dressed.

"Care to explain exactly why you are on my land in the first place?" I folded my arms over my chest and stood tall as I assessed each of the men as well as the situation as a whole.

This stank big time, my wolf paced in my head wanting to fully unleash on them.

I didn't have time for this bullshit.

I was also fully aware of the other wolves that stayed hidden within the bushes surrounding us. But I didn't let on to that fact.

"I apologise for the way in which we reached out to you but it was important that we meant out here. Away from Woodmoor" Keyton, who was barely old enough to shave said, running his hands through his floppy red hair in a show of nerves. His hands shook as he did so, I saw his grimace as he tried to stop them.

"I don't have time for bullshit. You are trespassing on my property and unless you have a damn good excuse I suggest you leave now, while you still have all your limbs attached" my impatience with these dumb asses was showing and I didn't give a shit. There were far more important things I had to worry about.

"The three fathers have assembled a group of supernaturals. They've enslaved them , forced them to help in their plans. They are close to being ready to put those plans into action" Jarrod explained as he curled his hands into fists at his side.

He was on edge and full of a nervous energy that threatened to overflow at any moment. I could tell by the beads of sweat that dropped down his forehead despite the bitter whip of the December winds that hit us from every angle.

" Why are you telling me this information? How do you know this shit anyway?" My temper was on a knife's edge, my wolf was just as close to the line and neither of us trusted these bastards for a second.

"You have a right to know that there is a major threat to your loved ones. You've shown no sign of strengthening your borders or making any move to defend yourselves and that's made you seem weak. They think you are weak!" Jarrod continued prattling on and when his words had no effect on me he frowned as if he was expecting much more of a reaction. I had no idea what this guy's game was but it was getting boring really fast.

So far he hadn't told me a damn thing we didn't already know, well apart from the fact they'd been watching us and noted our lack of defensive strategy a sign of weakness.

That was definitely something to take in and store for later.

"You're an arrogant asshole alpha aren't you? Have you ever thought your attitude might be your one true weakness? Your Achilles heel, so to speak?!" Kenton snarled, a trail of spit dripping from his mouth as he spoke. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and over couldn't help but gosh d over at my brother who was cringing.

"Have you ever considered that being cocky enough to trespass on our land would be your Achilles heel?" Hayden retorted, cocking his brow at the rogues.

"I see attitude runs in the family" Jarrod muttered rolling his eyes at our family trait.

"Look we just wanted to warn you, to tell you what we know and we've done that. We are going to leave now" Viro, the smallest guy said calmly as if he wasn't looking for a fight today. That was a wise move.

"Don't step on my land again. Next time there won't be such a polite response to your mistake" I warned, paired with a deadly glare before turning on my heel to head back home.

"Give our love to Eden" Kenton called out boldly making me stop in my tracks and skin around to face them again.

"What did you just say?" I must have been imagining it, because there was no way these idiots would dare mention my lunas name unless they had a death wish,

"Forget it man, it's not like we won't be seeing her soon anyway. Bosses say we can all do what we like with her once they get what they need from her"

"Jace, they are trying to antagonise you. Ignore them" Hayden was watching my every move trying to gauge my reactions.

My hands curled into fists and everything in my body urged me forward to rip this guy apart. But I inhaled through my nose and tried to curb that anger and not waste my energy on these pricks, Even if they clearly had a huge death wish.

"We've taken bets on her actually. If she can take two guys at once we were wondering exactly how many guys she could handle at the same time before we ripped her apart" Kenton laughed so hard he held his stomach as if he was going to break a rib or something.

But it wasn't just a rib that was going to break. I was going to kill each and every one of these filthy motherfuckers.

The hard winter ground would saturate bright red with the blood of the enemy and the three fucking fathers would learn that I am more than capable of protecting what's mine.

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