Nothing makes sense

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Jace PoV

Nothing made sense to me. I got that this Marco guy had discovered that bring a hybrid Eden had given him a high unlike other vampires had and that her toxin was more potent than others but barely anyone knew where we were going.

More importantly very few people knew when we were going avd unless he had followed us from the moment we left Woodmoor there  is no way in he would have been able to track us down.

Especially considering he was human.

"None of what you are saying makes sense. Why choose now to come 'care for Eden?' Whilst we are away from the pack? Why not make a move earlier when Eden was on her own?" I growled clenching my hands into fists until I felt my nails dig hard into my palms.

"I'm here for Eden. I'm always going to be here for Eden" what the hell did that mean?! Was this guy trying to test my last nerve because he was doing a great job if that was the case.

"I barely know you. You had no right to come here" Eden paced the basement clearly frustrated and alarmed by the situation. I didn't really want her anyway near this crazy man but I needed answers and he refused to talk unless Eden was here.

Plus Eden wasn't exactly one for standing back and letting me take care of things. I was amazed she'd gone to the bedroom when I'd asked her to do I knew I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to go upstairs.

There was also the fact that I wanted her close to me for my own sanity.

Maybe Marco was working with someone else and they'd hidden their scent somehow to trick me. I'd only smelt him but I never let anything surprise me these days so I was on high alert.

"Who sent you here?" Interesting, Marco dropped his gaze for a milisecend to the floor as if he didn't want me to see his reaction. Maybe he was working for someone.

"Oh my goddess someone sent you to spy on us??" Eden gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in complete shock as she saw what I saw.

"Answer her"

"Marco tell me now" My mate growled out and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows as her wolf pushed forward slightly mire than she had in a while. My lips quipped up into a smile knowing what a positive action that was. Eden grinned too and she then turned back to Marco flashing the most beautiful yet frightening lilac look at him.

"I said tell me now!" Eden's wolf echoed through Eden's voice and her body shook with anger at the idea of somebody sending people to spy on us.

"He won't talk. But he will eventually, love. Don't let this bother you" it didn't matter that he wasn't going to talk. I didn't nedd him to tell me when I could find out myself.  My  warriors would be arriving shortly  aswell as the trackers I'd requested who would scan the area for any other suspicious activity. They'd get to the bottom of it with it without Marcos help.

But with it without answers the truth was I wanted to kill him.

My wolf growled in my head clearly in agreement with my analysis of the situation and the more I thought about it the more I didn't like it.

I wanted to beat the shit out of this idiot. Not only had he stalked us and been spying through windows at my mate like a peeping Tom but he had even had the audacity to suggest he was he to look after her, therefore implying that I couldn't look after her myself. Plus he was working for somebody else. Those  were the bits that were making my blood boil the most.

The smug look he had on his face when he stared at Eden with such longing like she was his everything.

That was most definitely not the case, Eden barely knew the creep and saw him as nothing more than a walking, talking blood bag.

But I wouldn't hurt him. Not yet at least. Eden had clearly been struggling with her wolf and vampirism and all the other shit she'd gone through. That has erupted into an out of control molten hot lava flow of rage that she was now fighting to rein in.

If I resorted to violence goddess only knows what that would do to Eden. She was heavily pregnant with twins and I refused to do the slightest thing that would harm her in any way.

But that didn't mean I couldn't imagine the painful torture I could inflict on this little weedy human being in order to find out what the fuck he was up to.

Maybe he just didn't want to talk anymore, perhaps he was fearful me or Eden would hurt him, he knew what we were capable of so it could have been fear.

But that reaction made alarms blare in my head.

He wasn't in on this alone, I felt it deep in my bones.

He wasn't clever enough to stalk Eden without someone helping him, egging him on perhaps.

But the list of who that could be was pretty damned long at this point. My brother was sending warriors to collect him with strict instructions to lock him up in the packs secondary jail until I returned, and to do so very discreetly.

Not only that but I'd taken Marcos phone and used his thumb to unlock it before changing the lock code and slipping it in my pocket for safe keeping.

Once I got back to the pack I'd get to the bottom of this weird situation one way or another.

However I refused to let this incident ruin this time with Eden. I'd promised her that I would help her get her wolf back and we weren't going home until that happened.

My wolf had a connection to her wolf, right from the start both of us had sensed her wolf lurking in the back of her mind and soul and all she needed was to be coaxed out by someone she trusted and felt a bond with.

I remembered a moment at the cafe when she'd mentioned being engrossed in a text conversation with Harry and just the mention of a males name on her lips made my wolf growl in anger.

I had to fight him to remain in control as my claws dug into the wooden counter top. Jealousy and a powerful, primal possessiveness had raced through my veins like I'd never experienced before.

My wolf demanded that I claimed her there and then as she sassed me about the cafe not being open yet, she'd given me a lot of attitude and it was clear she was feisty but that didn't matter to me.

She couldn't deny what was happening even if she'd tried.

I saw the way her pupils dilated when she looked at me. The way she bit her lower lip and her nostrils flared as she inhaled the scent of her mate.

She'd known exactly who I was that first day in Woodies.

But she was young and been through so much that I knew I couldn't push things with her. Not until she was ready.

But I already knew she was mine.

I'd known it from the second I laid eyes on her at her fathers pack house. I'd just walked in and was heading into a meeting with Issac.

Eden was wondering through the house with who I now know was Skylar, and she'd laughed like an angel making my heart skip several beats.

Right then and there I knew I'd found my mate. The other half of my soul. I knew she was mine.

That was how powerful and strong our bond was. Nobody and nothing could destroy that.

There wasn't nobody else but me that held that link, not her brother, not Blake just me. Eden had a bond with Blake too but this was different.

The bond between wolves was unlike any other species. Blood bounds might be strong but wolf mates were literally made to be the other half of that persons heart and soul.

I was born for her and she was born for me.

We were two halves of the same goddess given soul.

Nobody could fully comprehend the power of that type of connection unless you were a wolf who had a mate too.

Eden was mine. All mine. Just like her wolf belonged to my wolf's and he belonged to her.

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