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Blake PoV

The crowds of horny wolves were quickly enclosing is and whatever the fuck Jace has done to the pack house had knocked Eden out cold.

He was such an idiot and it frustrated me to the point of fury that he of all people was Eden's mate.

She deserved far more, she deserved someone that would give her the world. No the damn universe. Jace has her back and was that fucking stupid that he hadn't marked her. He had spent all last night pleasuring Eden in a bid to piss me off. He knew I'd gone to see her so he put her on display like the sick bastard he is.

Then he'd used her as a pawn to try to show his superiority over me when in fact it just showed how much of a threat he saw me as. He knew Eden and I were inexplicably linked by blood, bound to one another for life and he couldn't stand it.

"What'd you do to the pack house??" I shouted at him heading towards Eden as Harry cradled her in his laps monitoring her breathing.

I could hear her heart steadily beating and her lungs breathing in slow but deep breathes so she was okay just unconscious.

It was as though she'd been shocked by something that was stopping her from entering the house.

I had my suspicions but I wasn't going to accuse him or anything and give him any ammunition to use against me at a later date.

"Nothing I didn't do anything" Fucking liar stuttered trying to act innocent but his increased heart beat told me everything.

He was guilty of doing something.

"What.did.you.do?" My patience was wearing thin and I could feel my eyes flooding with the bright red of my true nature.

"I had a warlock put a ward on the house to keep out... "

"What?" I snapped at him wanting none of his BS anymore

"Vampires. But Eden isn't a vampire!" Jace muttered totally confused as he gazed down at his mate with wide eyes.

"Perhaps this warlock did a little more than just vampires. Eden has my blood inside her" I reminded him fighting to hide the smirk that wanted to appear as his nose flared angrily at the reminder of our precious bond.

"That's the least of our problems right now. Eden's in heat and she's unmarked. Every unmarked male in the pack is headed our way and surrounding us" Hayden tried to focus us on the main problem right now and I hated to listen to a wolf but he was right.

"If we can't get her in the house I assume all the properties have the same wards up?" I gazed over at the other houses calculating how quickly I could get Eden in one of them.

"All of them  yeh" Jace sighed looking less alpha and more defeated and pathetic as the time ticked by.

"Well alpha I'll take care of Eden. You take care of your wolves. You know where we'll be"

"You are not touching her" Jace blocked my way pigging our his chest in a show of his manliness. It was laughable really.

"I'm the only one that can get her out of this right now. You should have marked her when you had the chance and we wouldn't have this problem"

"Fine but I'll be coming for my mate once this is dealt with"

"Better have those wards removed first alpha" fuck there was something so enjoyable about Jaces facial expression every tine I locked his status. He looked like an angry little puppy.

"Sky could you bring some of Eden's belongings to ensure she's got everything she'll need for the next few days. I can't guarantee how long it will take for her to wake up and feel up to returning" and I would stretch it out as long as possible to keep Jace's grubby paws off of her.

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