Babies bump

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Blake PoV

Eden was curled up beside me in my bed with her head on my chest, her long blonde hair in a messy bun out of her face with the biggest smile of satisfaction on her face. I knew I was wearing a similar one and as her eyes fluttered closed I kissed her forehead and felt her drift off to sleep as I held her close to me deep in thought.

There was so much I had to teach Eden and it was only now that I realised I should have been more open about this side of my life before and this task wouldn't feel so tough.

I hated what I had done to her but now we were in this situation she needed my help, what she didn't need was me beating myself up anymore than I already was.

Eden was right though. If I hadn't of done what I did that day she'd be dead and I'd be alone, wondering this earth forever completely alone and mourning the death of my mate. My blood bound soulmate.

Having Eden alive in any supernatural form was amazing and the mere thought of losing her made me feel physically sick.

I'd dreaded giving her human blood for the first time. I knew it had to happen but I had still hated it.

On some sub-conscious level she'd been fighting this side of her nature for a while now and finally it has become too strong for her to subdue.

My issue was that I knew full well that taking that step would bring that side into full fruition and there was no turning back after it and I feared her hating me for it.

Selfishly I was scared that I'd lose my Eden because she'd hold me responsible for changing her.

When we'd arrived at my old house we'd sat in silence as I had been processing every single outcome of that scenario and a lot of them looked pretty bleak.

But then I felt those big beautiful blue eyes gazing upon me and I'd knew she could never hate me and I would never lose her.

I'd never lose her because I simply would not allow that to happen. I'd follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond to be with her.

I'd fight anyone and everyone that got in my way. Goddess help them if they ever dared.

Call me sick or perverse but watching Eden drink human blood for the first time made me dick so hard it hurt. The way her eyes lit up when the taste hit her and how the bright red liquid coated her lips as she enjoyed it more and more with every bit that she took into her body.

Fucking hell it was hard to keep myself restrained across the kitchen island and before I knew it I was pressed behind her practically drooling as her throat swallowed the blood and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink from sheer satisfaction.

Then suddenly Eden had looked at me with the most lust filled look I'd ever seen and my entire body shuddered in delight as her eyes raked over me.

Before either of us knew what was happening I had her butt ass naked resting up on the counter fucking her brains out. We'd both screamed each other's name like they were prayers as we came really damn earth shattering hard together and collapsed in each other's arms.

Eden's legs has been so weak afterwards I'd had to carry her upstairs to wash her and put her in bed.

It was beyond selfish of me but I was enjoying having her all to myself without Jace looking over my shoulder every five minutes and although we weren't here for a good time I planned on making the most of having her to myself.

Eden moved her leg in her sleep and kicked the sheets down exposing her upper body and it was only then I could see changes in her body. Her tits were bigger and swollen, her nipples hardened as the cold air nipped at them and I had to hold back from latching my teeth around them and biting down to hear those delicious little moans that she made when I did it.

Her stomach was curving outwards every so slightly and now that I really studied her I could see the outline of her baby bump. Babies bump in fact.

It was hard to get to grips with the fact that two tiny babies were growing inside of her right at this second.

One of them was a perfect mixture of Eden and I.

I was going to be a father. I had hardly had the finest example of a father but if I did the exact opposite of what my dad had done I would be on the right track.

Not that the idea of it didn't scare the shit out of me I was over the moon with happiness because being a dad was something I had always thought was just a dream. One of the rare things I was jealous of humans for in fact. But Eden had made it a reality for me; Our love was so strong that we had created a little tiny life from it. How the hell had I survived so long without Eden in my life? I couldn't fathom how my life was before her. Empty. Cold. Sad perhaps.

But never as full of love, laughter and fun as now.

She sure kept me on my toes aswell and no matter how intense I tried to be she would still just do whatever the fuck she wanted.

She'd even managed to wrangle my own brothers into her little plans.

I had so many questions about what these plans of hers were.

What she'd done to Sadie was nothing less than pure brutal so I dreaded to think what she'd done to her mother, because I didn't have a doubt in my mind that she was dead. Just how Isaac didn't know that was another thing I was curious about.

If he knew Sadie and his mate were dead surely he would have attacked or at least come to the packs door looking for answers.

We were enemy number one so it would make sense that he'd assume it was us.

Would he consider that it was Eden and Sawyer, his own children that were to blame though, how much sander had Eden put herself in to get her revenge?!

Would the pack end up suffering for her sins and in turn just how hard would that hit her?

How much of this need to avenge those that had sinned against Eden and our loved ones was driven by the drive for revenge and how much was her bloodlust?

Because she hadn't touched Sadie or drunk from her and when Sawyer brought her home there was blood all over her but she hadn't drunk then either. I'd of known it.

I just couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't trust Jace and I, her mates with her plans and let us help her? Help keep her and our babies safe.

Unless that was the exact problem right there.

If we knew her plans and found out that she wanted to place herself in direct danger it would be only nature that our instincts would protect her and our children from that.

If that was true then one thing was certain- Eden was heading into a dangerous situation carrying my baby and I'd be damned if I was going to stand by and let that happen.

What the hell had gotten into her head??!!

That fucking Triad prophecy was to blame for all of this shit and I needed Jaces back up to make sure our sneaky little mate stayed safe, even if it meant she hated us for it.

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