What if?

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⚠️A/N please take a moment to listen to the song if you can because I think it really fits Blake's point of view so well. Thanks to KaraJones064  for the song recommendation.⚠️

Jace POV

Despite spending time with her best friends it was evening and Eden had only moved twice and that was to use the bathroom.

Other than that she'd laid curled up in a ball hugging herself for comfort in our bed. I'd cuddled up to her a few times and she snuggled back into my body but still didn't say a word.

This was new territory for me but there was one person that had been through Eden's family issues in the past and might just be able to help.

At this point I was beyond desperate and as much as I hated making the call deep down I knew it was the right thing to do.

20 minutes after I hung up Blake arrived and approached the front door carefully, clearly concerned about the ward that I'd had put in the house.

"Amara removed the ward. It was a dick move and I apologise" Fuck it I hated apologising but I had to be a grown ass adult and accept that he was not going anywhere.

Not unless I pushed Eden away and the two of them ran off in the sunset together. I'd die before that happened, I couldn't breathe lose her.

I wouldn't let it happen. I'd do anything to make her happy and she did smile a lot around Blake. Her laughter would fill the air like angels singing.

"No apology needed. I just want Eden to be happy. I'm not doing this to hurt you I didn't plan on this happening but it has. Eden is our mate and we are going to have to work out how to get through it. But right now our girl needs both of her mates" Blake spoke the truth in a wise manner than seemed beyond his age. Then I remembered that his true age was way higher than how he looked which was just complicated.

"We want the same thing, I think we need to focus on that" I agreed with him first once and it actually felt refreshing to not be arguing and scoring points strings each other like kids.

"Give me 20 minutes to talk to her the come back yeh?" Blake suggested quietly as he gazed at Eden sprawled out in the bed staring at the ceiling. I just nodded and left them to it shutting the door for their privacy.

———- Blake PoV

When I laid eyes on Eden she looked like she was staring into space, lost in her thoughts a thousand miles away from here. She needed me to bring her back to reality and comfort her. Reassure her that everything would be okay. I think I needed to reassure myself of that aswell.

I kicked my boots off and placed my leather jacket on the dresser before crawling onto the bed and sitting beside Eden. Her eyes immediately drifted to mine and fresh tears fell from them. I reached out and gently wiped them away with the pad of my thumb.

"I hate it when you cry" I uttered softly continuing to wipe away the tears that drifted down her soft cheeks.

For a while she didn't say anything, just allowed me to rest an arm over her and wipe away her tears as she quietly cried. But then after what felt like hours  the silence suddenly broke. 

"What if they are right? What if it's not true and we aren't mates. What if neither you or Jace are my mates? What if this is all a lie and somebody is playing an awful trick on us?" Eden whispered crockily, her throat dry from having cried for so long.

"What if it's true? What if Jace and I were made for you and you were made for us?" I countered with a flash of a smile just saying those words made me feel giddy inside like a kid on Christmas morning.

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