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Jace PoV

What the hell was happening? I'd been holding my mate tight trying to comfort her and suddenly she'd been ripped from my arms by Blake who was restraining her and forcing her to look in the mirror at her reflection.

She was horrified by what she saw and although I'd always had my suspicions seeing it with my own eyes was a huge shock.

Her eyes were glowing a bright lilac that almost seemed like orbs of electricity swirling around her eye sockets.

Her jaw was slightly more angled than usual and two of her teeth had lengthened into fangs, not the usual wolf like canines.... no they were fangs. Fangs like a ... damn it I couldn't even think of word let alone admit what she was to myself.

"What the fuck is happening?" I growled starting directly at Blake knowing this was his fault, it was all his fucking fault and my wolf wanted nothing more than to surface and rip out his throat in revenge for harming our sweet Eden.

But I knew we couldn't do that. Hurting him would hurt Eden and from the terrified expression on her face it was clear she needed our full support, no to take her other mate from her.

Not that we weren't enough to make up for his lose.

We were and always had been more than enough not that the moon goddess thought the same thing.

I'd always been taught by my mother that the moon goddess had a plan and a clear oath mapped out of each and every one of us and that we must never doubt her and always let her lead our way.

"You know what's going on Jace. We talked about this being a possibility but right now you need to leave us and go do your job. Go out there and be the alpha that everyone is counting on. Let me handle this-"

"I'm not leaving Eden" how dare he try to tell me what to do. Who the hell did he think he was?

I was the alpha around here. Not him.

"Werewolf Blood is more potent than others. Unless you want me to let her lose and watch as she drains you and every other wolf here I suggest you listen to me. I took care of your sister and I can take care of our mate. You just need to trust me for once... please" Blake spoke calmly but I could hear the hint of despair in his voice. He hated this as much as I did and he knew it was his fault.

But he was right, he had taken care of my little sister when I couldn't help her. He had looked after her and made her far more confident in her own skin than I could ever of done.

"What's your plan?" I sighed placing my trust in him to care for our mate as he had done my sister.

"I will take her to my house and get this under control. Once the first wave is over you'll be safe to see her okay? You know I'd never hurt Eden Jace...if anything you can trust that" Blake was right again. I knew he would never harm Eden.

In truth this wasn't his fault, he had done the only thing left that would save her when Sawyer has left her to die in the forest.

If it wasn't for Blake I wouldn't have Eden at all. My wolf whimpered in the back of my head at the mere thought of not having our mate.

"I want to talk to her on the phone though and I want regular updates" those were my demands because the idea of not hearing Eden's voice at all was killing me.

I'd felt the loss of her before I even met her and not having her near me at all times seemed like a nightmare.

"Jace please... I'm so scared" Eden sobbed gazing at me and pleading for help. All I wanted to do was hold her and ensure her that she was going to be okay. But I couldn't,

I'd seen the look in her eyes when she'd tried to bite me. It was pure bloodlust and I was just a source of blood to her in that moment, nothing more.

That hurt like hell but I knew it wasn't Eden in that instant, It was bloodlust controlling her.

Blood fucking lust.

"My's going to be okay. Blake is going to take care of you okay? But I'll call you later... it won't be for long and then you'll be back where you belong" standing a few feet away from my beautiful girl my heart was hammering in my chest as I tried to sound confident in my words despite my heart aching so badly it mads me feel sick.

"Jace I'm so sorry ... please don't hate me. I love you so much" she cried and her bottom lip trembled in sorrow.

"Hey look at me Eden.. I could never hate you. I love you so much. We are starting a family together, me, you, Blake and our babies remember? You've made me the happiest man on the planet. Nothing could change that"

"Promise me?" Eden hiccuped as she took deep breathes to calm herself down and gradually her eyes faded back to their normal sky blue. Her teeth looked normal again too.

"I promise... I swear it" I assured her knowing that I meant every word that I'd told her. Nothing she could do would ever make me love her less. I worshipped her like a goddess. Nobody could make me think less of her. I loved her so much so was my world.

"Nat is heading up to help you pack a bag Ede... pack enough for a few days while we get this under control.. and we will get this under control. I promise you we will deal with it" There was a steely confident in Blake's words that I couldn't help but cling to.

He had done this before and my sister was okay now. She was happy and so I trusted him when he said that he could help Eden too.

"Jace" Eden sounded so small.. so frightened and so bloody harmless that it was crazy to think that she had the potential to kill me within seconds.

"Close your eyes love" I told her in my alpha tone hoping that it would call out to the wolf in her and that she would take the reins long enough to do what I had to do.

I waited for Eden to squeeze her eyes close as Blake held her with her back against his chest and his arms holding hers.

"I love you so much" my lips brushed against hers and I drowned myself in her scent letting it soak into my every pore so that I could hold onto it whilst she was gone.

Then I kissed her, my tongue swiped against her lower lip and I couldn't help but groan softly when she opened her mouth and gently chased my tongue around in a long lingering and loving kiss.

Pulling away from her was the hardest thing I had ever done but I knew I couldn't push her much further before the bloodlust would overpower her again.

"I love you Jace.. so fucking much" she told me watching with wide eyes as I backed away from her and left the room before I did something that I would regret.

I headed to my office and slammed the door hard enough that the walls shook as so many questions flooded my mind that I didn't have the answers for.

How has I not seen this earlier?

Had I missed the signs or was I ignorant to them not wanting to admit the truth to myself?

Why was this happening to my gorgeous Eden?

Hadn't she gone through enough already?

Why did the moon goddess set a path for her that was so full of pain and turmoil?

What did the future hold for us now?

There was one question that kept looping in my brain and made my stomach twist into knots and a crushing pain hang over my chest;

Would I be enough for Eden now that she wasn't a full wolf like me?

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