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Eden PoV

The packhouse had been fairly quiet this morning which hadn't helped because it gave my thoughts a much more prominent voice. But all of a sudden there was much more noise, I didn't like that noise. Something deep inside me gnawed at me to fix whatever the problem was immediately. That noise had triggered a siren to go off inside my head, I clenched my hands together with concern.

My instincts took over and traced the source of that sound which only took a minute. I stepped across the threshold of my bedroom and across the hallway.

The nursery door was pushed ajar and I could see the backs of Amara, Lizzie and Freya plus a brunette woman I didn't recognise from her scent or her appearance, even though I could only see the back of her.

I racked my brain to figure out who she was but then my thoughts were interrupted.

The same noise filled my ears and my heart thumped wildly in my chest and something caused me to push through the women until I discovered where the sound had come from.

Freya rested her hand gently on my shoulder to let me know she was there to support me. I froze.

Their eyes. Two of the most vivid shades of purple eyes gazed up at me. Their eyes were just like mine changed to at times, but theirs seemed to be permanently that colour.

My feet were unable to move from my spot and my mouth hung open in absolute awe of the vision before me.

The noise occurred yet again and Freya softly eased me forwards.

"They need you, Eden " she told me simply.

"I... what if.. I don't... I... they're so beautiful" I stammered as every fear I had hit me at once and threatened to overwhelm me.

What if I wasn't any good at being this?

How did I hold them?

How did I even pick them up?

What if they didn't like me?

What if I couldn't stop them from crying?

What if?

What if ??

What if???

There were a million what ifs flitting through my brain and every one was worse than the last. Cora hadn't exactly been the best role model as a mother. Even though we weren't blood related it was possible that her useless ways had rubbed off on me and motherhood would draw them out.

Issac was a wicked man but he was my biological father. What if his evilness had been blood deep and I had those same tendencies the moment one of my children became hard to parent. What if their crying was the tipping point? What if the change in my life caused by becoming a mother turned me into a selfish, abusive cold hearted bitch that focused my rage on my children?

My mind overloaded completely and my body shook with the anxiety that completely took over. I closed my eyes and took a moment to collect my thoughts and calm down but somehow I managed to quell my own thoughts but everyone else's in the room became amplified into my head.

'She shouldn't be going through this without her mates'

'I'm so disappointed in Blake'

'They are so adorable. I want a baby with my mate'

'Jace clearly isn't thinking right'

'They have Edens eyes'

'Blake and Jace should be here. Shame on them'

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