I'm fine

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Eden PoV

I was covered in blood and in desperate need of a shower but I knew my mates were waiting for answers. They sat on the bed either side of me not saying a great deal but it was clear they were restless.

They were growing more impatient by the second and I was trying to figure out the best way to answer their questions without them getting mad at me or losing their shit all together.

The  truth was complicated and pretty hard to put into words, probably even harder to comprehend without evidence to back it up. But not saying anything wasn't getting us anywhere and it was time.

Deep down I knew that there was no more room for any secrets between the three of us. I'd already hidden things and acted upon my own plans behind their backs when in reality, if it would have been reversed and they'd of kept things from me I would have been extremely hurt and angry.

I had asked Devon to stay for a reason and I felt that leading with that news would be the best way to deal with things. But from the looks on my mates faces it wasn't going to be that simple. They looked ready to explode with anger and frustration and it was all aimed at me. The truth was I deserved every bit of it.

Needing to put abit of space between us I git off of the bed and asked Devon to wait outside until I called him back.

Once he was out of the room I was faced with my two mates standing in front of me  clearly focused on getting answers.

I was exhausted and really didn't want to do this right now. I knew it needed to be discussed but I was just so tired I didn't know if I had the strength to deal with it.

Maybe once they heard what the doctor had to say they might give me a reprise from all the questions until later on after I'd had a nap.

I'd have an excuse to have a nap too, one they couldn't deny me of.

"So I'm guessing you have a lot of questions for me" I breathed out shakily knowing this was going to be one hell of a conversation say the least.

"You'll actually answer our questions this time?" Blake scoffed doubting me which I couldn't blame him for.

I'd been allusive in the past when they questioned things and he had no reason to think this tone would be different.

"Who's blood is that Eden? You and your brother were soaked in it?" Jace asked with a hint of alpha to his tone that meant I was not going to be able to get out of this line of questioning as easily as I thought.

"I'm fine so there's really no need for concern" My voice was light hearted as if it was no big deal to come home covered in blood but I knew from the way they were start getting at me with wide eyes that neither one was falling for my act.

"Fine? You're fine so that makes everything okay? No need to worry about all that blood" Jace scoffed mocking me blasé attitude.

"What happened Eden? Did someone try to attack you?" Blake narrowed his eyes in on me trying to get to the bottom of things. I was beginning to feel like a cornered animal and it was suffocating me fast.

"I'm okay. Surely that's all that matters" Shrugging my shoulders I began to unbutton my ruined shirt and hoped that I could just go shower in peace then explain the more important things.

"Eden answer our fucking questions. It's not your blood so who's is it?" Jace snapped loudly running his hands through his hair with the sheer frustration of my behaviour.

"You murdered Sadie without a second thought. We saw the security footage. This isn't like you and we're worried about you baby" Blake was obviously playing good cop in this scenario because he spoke to me softly trying to apply the mate bond to get me to talk. Stupid mate bond!

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