Baby talk x 2

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Eden PoV

I was 19 today. 19 years old. Yet so much had happened in the last year that I felt about 10 years older than 19.

I was a Luna for goddess sake. A Luna hybrid with two mates, an alpha wolf, and an original bloodline vampire no less.

Then not only that I was heavily pregnant with their twin babies. Miracle babies some had said.

Oh yes and we were part of some ancient prophecy that stated our fathers, who had handed together like a supernatural version of Robin Hoods not so Merry fucking men, and were out to kill us, steal our babies for fuck knows why and rule over the world.

No doubt they'd expose the supernatural world to human beings and bloodshed of major proportions would ensue. The only way to stop this was for familial blood to seep into the earth and some other mystical, mythical bullshit.

So yeh, happy 19th birthday Eden, what a fucking nightmare year this was going to be!

It sounded absurd and a huge part of me wanted to burst out into a fit of side-splitting, belly rumbling laughter and not stop until someone convinced me it was all a dumb old witches tale.

Yet I knew deep down in very bones that it was true.

Every last bit of it.

"Happy birthday sleeping beauty" a gentle feminine voice pulled me from my slumber.

I opened one eye at a time only to find it was Freya sitting on the edge of the bed looking as radiant as ever. Beside me, the bed was cold and empty. My mates were nowhere in sight but I was quickly distracted from that thought.

My scents awoke and the sweetness of pancakes against the savory scent of bacon made my mouth water and I awkwardly sat up.

On my bedside table was a tray with a plate of food as well as a glass of orange juice and a pot of something steaming hot and a cup and saucer.
  A collection of pretty purple flowers sat in a mason jar of water. They looked just like the shades of lilacs and violets of my supernatural vision.

"They reminded me of your eyes" Freya explained with a smile, it was like she had read my mind.

"They are gorgeous, thank you" we hadn't known each other long but something about Blake's mum made me feel more loved than my mother had ever done.

"I thought you'd be hungry. The boys are out on a check of the perimeters so you can eat in peace!! "

"It smells divine!" I exhaled and moaned at the delicious smells that hit me.

"Eden, I'm sorry to pry but you look so tired, are you sure the dinner tonight is such a great idea?" Freya scanned my face sympathetically.

She was right, I'd barely slept last night and even when I did get a decent night of rest I still felt beyond exhausted the next day.

Being pregnant with twins was not a walk in the park!

"I'll be okay once I've eaten. Maybe I'll get a nap this afternoon before dinner too. But thank you for caring"

"Promise me you will rest if you need to? There's no shame in admitting you have to slow down or grab some sleep Eden" Freya pleaded with me with a soft squeeze of my hand that she took in hers.

"I promise, it's not like I can argue these days. I just shut down I'm so tired"

"The later stage of pregnancy feels endless, doesn't it?  Everything aches, you are constantly in need of a foot rub and a nap. You just want it over with! It's worth it in the end though, when your eyes first land on that tiny baby, its little fingers wrap themselves around your pinkie. It is a moment you never forget. It takes your breath away how much love you have for that baby and how quickly you know you'd do absolutely anything for them. You'd give up your life without hesitation" Freya spoke about it in such an emotional manner that it was obvious she was speaking from her own experiences.

"I understand what you mean. A big part of me wishes I could keep them inside me until all of the awful things are over. But another part can't wait to hold them in my arms and just gaze down at them" I admitted honestly.

All I wanted was to keep them safe. To protect them.

"There are so many people that are here to protect the twins. To protect you, Eden. We won't let anyone harm a hair on their precious heads" Freya held my gaze with such a powerful look in her eyes that I couldn't help but believe her.

"There is just so much insane stuff going on, it's scary enough if it was just my life at risk but my babies, I can't even think about them getting hurt without it being the end of the world, quite literally"  images of my vision flickered through my mind and that dark sky and misery made a bitter bile swirl in my gut.

"That won't happen. I won't allow it. I'll kill Gerard with my own bare hands if I have to. Goddess knows he deserves it" the disgust for Blake's father was evident in her harsh tone.

" what was he like? Surely there was something about him that you liked at first? Or were drawn to?"

"I grew up in a small village. We spent our time as children playing in the trees and laughing as we chased the butterflies through the fields. It was boring by today's standards. But it was peaceful. I was happy, free" Freya's eyes glazed over as she lost herself in her past. I stayed perfectly still, I wanted to let her tell me her story without interruption.

"Our elders warned us of the dangers that lurked beyond the borders of the village territory. They spoke of shadowy figures that haunted the night. That hunted at night! The village was put under a strict curfew after dark" It sounded like her village faced an abrupt change.

"I'm guessing you didn't stay inside at night" not many youngsters abided by rules of they didn't know the dangers that threatened them.

" I was 14 when I first saw him. He was watching me, silently assessing my every move. But he didn't say a word. The moment our eyes locked, there was such a powerful feeling that washed over me like a magnet drawing me towards him. Then he was gone, it was like he vanished into thin air" Freya sighed as if that exact feeling hit her hard all over again.

"But he returned?"

"Every day! Never speaking a bloody word but I could feel his presence even though he stayed hidden. Until my sixteenth birthday. My father planned a party in the heart of the village. We had permission to ignore the curfew for one night only. It was full of laughter, singing and people smiled so brightly. Then there he was in all his glory. Handsome and so strong that power just radiated from him, it seemed like he was ten feet tall. A frightening silence fell upon everyone. I was so mesmerized by him that it didn't occur to me that they were scared of him. In fact scared is a mild word, petrified fits it better. But I was so blind" Freya sounded so regretful but she was so young.

How would she have known the real man that stood before her?

"Did he compel you?" I questioned with intrigue.

"He didn't need to. I was so enamoured by him it wouldn't have fazed me if I had known the truth. Plus my father and the elder told me that Gerard had promised to help protect the village, my people. So it was the best way to find happiness and love whilst knowing I'd done my best to keep my loved ones safe" she admitted with a shudder.

Clearly he didn't stick to his promise, if what Blake and his siblings had told me.

From everything I had heard so far Gerard sounded like a sick and twisted, lying piece of shit. It made perfect sense why he was working with my dad because they were carbon copies of one another.

But from the haunted look upon Freya's graceful face I knew there was far more to the story than just this and I owed it to her to listen.

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