Friendship pt 2

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Eden PoV

Bubbling with excitement I felt more optimistic than I had in a year. Just knowing that Jace has so much faith in me and my ability to get my wolf out was an incredible feeling.

It was a huge boost of confidence and as I searched the house looking for Blake my cheeks were hurting from the big smile I had on my face. I probably looked ridiculous but I couldn't help myself.

Blake wasn't in the pack house so I slipped my boots on and pulled on my black wool coat not wanting the cold nip of the December air to give me a chill and ruin my mood.

I'd taken two steps out of the front door when I heard my name being hollered across the front garden area where there was a large patio with lots of dark wood bench tables for the pack to relax at and socialise.

"Luna Eden get your pregnant ass over here right now!" Harry laughed waving his hand and gesturing next towards a bench where he sat with Devon, Sky and Daisy.

"Hey guys how are you doing?" I asked noticing how Daisy and Sky quickly huddled close together on one end of the bench seating to give me room to sit down without hurting them. They didn't look scared of me but it was obvious they felt slightly wary.

I couldn't really blame them but I couldn't help the twinge I'd hurt that flashed through me.

I took a deep breath and tried to school my face not wanting them to know that their actions had caused me any pain.

It wasn't their fault at all and I knew they weren't doing it to alienate me deliberately but it did emphasis the gulf of space that had grown between us and I hadn't even realised it until now.

"All good thanks" Daisy nodded before going back to scrolling through her phone.

I knew that was a big fat lie.

Having her mum turn up out of the blue after all this time must be incredibly painful. There must be raw, festering wounds that her arrival had re-opened.

Blake was feelings them, that I knew for sure I just wished I could ease his worries and take away all of his pain.

"I was just telling everyone about the date I went on last night. It was so romantic. Candles. Red roses. A fancy dinner. It was beyond perfect" Sky blushed probably recalling how the night ended for her and her mate.

"That sounds so beautiful Sky, but you deserve it and much more" I reminded her making sure she knew that she was worthy of such a perfect love.

"Don't encourage her Ede, she gets spoilt like that every other week!" Harry said pointedly and he leant over and ruffled Sky's dark hair up and chuckled.

"Get your dirty paws off of my hair" Sky tried to seat him but he moved away too quickly before sitting back down opposite her and out of her reach.

"How about you two, Devon have you got fed up with Harry yet?" I chuckled teasing my best friend sticking my tongue out at him when he flipped me the finger.

"We are great thanks. But Harry really does push my limits at times" Devon joked smirking at Harry who looked shocked that his mate had joined in in the joke rather than defend his honour.

"It's what he is best at. Maybe he needs a spanking until he learns his lesson" suggesting such a thing made Sky gasp loudly before she burst out laughing at the horrified look on Harry's face. But as Devon gazed at him I saw the flash of darkness that filled Harry's eyes which told me he liked that idea. A lot.

"Have I ever told you that I hate you Ede??" Harry snorted unable to remain serious anymore. His face lit up as laughter erupted from all of us at the table.
This is what I'd missed. This normality and just sharing a joke with my close friends. To them I wasn't the Luna or a hybrid that couldn't get a grip on her wolf.

To them I was just the same Eden I had always been.

The same little girl that Harry had chased around our old pack house with scissors until he cornered me and threatened to cut my pigtails off because I ate the last cookie that his mum Iris made.

The same Eden that sat with Sky and practically drooled over the hotness of the male warriors as they took their shirts off and beads of sweat dropped down their chiselled abs , cutting through their v-line and disappearing into the hidden part of their bodies.

The parts Sky and I would guess shapes and sizes and talk about exactly what we wished those warriors would do with their perfect, sweaty bodies.

We'd even discussed Harry's body as we watched him training hard and proving his worth as he held his own against even the toughest of wolves.

That was until Sky and I were accepted as warriors and we joined the others and trained our asses off to be the absolute best we could be.

Sky moaned every step of the way and I would tell her smutty jokes or sing her favourites songs in my terrible singing voice totally wrecking the songs for her but leaving her fighting for breathe; not from trying hard but from laughing until it felt like her ribs would burst open.

"You love me, just like I love you" rolling my eyes at Harry I felt my smile stretch even wider as he winked at me playfully acknowledging my words.

"I couldn't live without you. I've missed you, we all have" Harry titles his chin to the people around the table and as of on perfect cue Daisy our her phone away and nodded in agreement,

"I know you have a lot going on now you are Luna but would it be okay to throw you a baby shower?" Sky stared deep in my eyes and I hated the tear that fell from her eyes. All I wanted to do was wipe it away and hug her close to me. But I couldn't, I couldn't even touch her.

"Sky that would be amazing. Perhaps all the pack could help us celebrate. After all these little ones are the future of this pack. I think it would be a wonderful way to come together and thank the goddess for these pups" My smile didn't face but I knew tears ran down my cheeks. But they weren't sad tears. They were overwhelmingly happy tears.

"Can I help? I'm really good at organising things" Daisy offered keen to help plan the baby shower for her little nieces or nephews. Or niece and nephew.

It sometimes felt odd to imagine myself as a mother.

I just hoped that my own parents hadn't poisoned me with some invisible toxic behaviour that could negatively affect the babies.

But I was determined to be everything they weren't, I was pretty sure that was a great place to start my journey to becoming an amazing, loving, fun mum.

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