The brothers

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Eden PoV

I had a million things to do and not enough time to do them in. The mating ceremony between Jace, myself and Blake was 48 hours away and I had barely prepared myself for it.

I should have been putting more thought into it but Skylar, Mia, Daisy and Natalia were so excited about it that they'd been more than happy to organise everything for us.

Jace and Blake didn't care much for the planning side of things either they just kept throwing money at the girl's and sending them on their merry way.

But me, I was busy doing something that felt much more important to me.

Blake and Jace had made it quite clear that they wanted to supervise my visits with Sawyer so that they could keep an eye on things, and what they meant by that was control what we spoke about, how close we were and the length of my visit.

After thirty minutes or so they'd insist that I had other things to do and sweep me away no matter how much I argued.

No matter how much it pissed me off they felt like they were doing the right thing and I loved them so much for being so protective but it was also driving me crazy.

So I had to get creative. As soon as they'd fell asleep at night I'd creep out if bed and go and spend hours with my brother reliving old times and cherishing childhood moments together.

I finally felt like I had him back again, my big brother was back.

There was just one problem, well three actually. Blake's brothers were not ones to sleep much and after my second nights visit to see Sawyer Caleb had caught me and only agreed keep my secret if I joined him, Alex and Ethan in the games room for a pool game.

I ended up having so much fun I'd stayed for 5 matches and in order to protect my secret I agreed to playing again the next night.

At first I was confused why they were also here and not at Blake's house but apparently Sadie was driving them insane and then Daisy and Seb spent most of their free time in bed, screwing rather loudly so they'd asked Jace if they could crash here and he said it was okay.

We were all sat eating breakfast and as we laughed at something Alex said I noticed Blake was the only one not amused but just watching us.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked quietly leaning in to kiss his cheek softly.

"Yeh it's just weird how well you get on with my brothers. I hadn't noticed you spending much time together but you seem very friendly" he remarked sounding perplexed and abit jealous of our shared interactions.

"Huh what? No not really I'm just trying to be nice" I tried to keep my voice level and not sound as alarmed as I felt that I was about to get busted.

"Yes man leave poor Eden alone. She's even been kind enough to offer to show us the local mall today" Caleb tutted chastising his older brother whilst trying to wipe the dumb smirk off of his face.

Useless alibi he was.

I'd asked them to take me to the mall because I needed some manly advice on something for the mating ceremony. Or more after the ceremony and Harry was not going to be my go to man for this type of advice as much as I adored him.

"Yes plus Ede is gonna take us to Woodies to try to chocolate cake" Ethans eyes widened at the wonder that is Iris's infamous chocolate cake.

"Ede?" Blake repeated the nickname his brother had called me with a frown on his face.

"Blake I love you but you seriously need to take a Valium. You have got a lot of stuff to do. The clan doesn't run itself. Your business interests don't either. We are free and we want to get to know our sister in law better" Alex chuckled shaking his head at Blake's uptight behaviour.

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