Bring it on

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Blake PoV

I actually think I did a damn good job just then.

I very nearly crashed the car as my dick jerked hard in my jeans as Eden yelled out in her sleep from the passenger seat.

'I need you to fuck me'  Was she actually trying to torture me and get us both killed in equal measure.

Well at least I was technically already dead but either way the car smashing into a wall at 60mph wouldn't do much for me.

Has she not realised how long I've waited for her to say those words to me and now it's finally said it's in a dream where she's probably talking to that prick of a dog Jace and not me.

She barely even seemed to register what Amara told her about me being her mate aswell as him.

I mean I know she didn't sense it the same way I had that day I found her injured but I'd hoped after this time she'd of noticed I was here, waiting patiently for her.

Maybe he not being in strong contact with her wolf was messing with things but she needed to stop saying shit like that around me before I lost my last shred of composure and took her, she was mine after all.

Before Jace even came into the picture she was mine. But I was too much of a loved up puppy to push her so I'd pretty much handed Eden over to him on a silver platter.

But she'd told me she loved me that day at the bus station, I knew she meant it too from the steady heart beat I could hear thrumming away in her chest as she spoke.

So why, fucking why did this hurt so much. I wasn't that fond of these mushy, light and fluffy cloud like feelings. In fact I hated them.

But I loved her more than I hated feeling how vulnerable she made me. She needed me and I needed her I just needed to give her time.

Not like I don't have that in abundance is it?!

"Ohh.. hi" Eden blushed as her eyes fluttered open and she realised she'd spoken those last words aloud. Fuck me, her arousal made me flare my nostrils to take in more if her sweet scent.

I wished I could taste exactly how sweet she tasted because I would bet money she'd be the best thing that ever fell on my tongue.

I bet that her blood tasted sweet too, like honey and fruits on a warm summers day. Her mouth has always been so inviting to me in the past but it felt like ages since I'd kissed her and felt her tongue tangled up in mine. I missed it... so much it hurt to think about.

I wanted so much more than her tongue tangled up in me I wanted her body and soul to be tightly woven with mine and to never let her go again.

Jace or no Jace I needed her like I needed blood to survive. She was the oxygen that kept me going when my body thought it didn't need it to survive.

She was everything.

She was Eden. My Eden.

"Another horny dream love?" I couldn't help but tease her loving that cute little pink flush that crept all the way up her neck and onto her cheeks.

I wondered if her entire body would blush that way if I tried hard enough. I'd do anything to see it and kiss every part of her soft supple skin.

Fuck Blake, get your hard-on under control you weren't even the one having sex dreams.

My entire existence lately seemed to be a sex dream, like a horny teenage boy helplessly chasing after the schools top beauty queen despite her not knowing you even existed.

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