Visions in his head

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Caleb PoV.

Eden glanced over at her brother who was sipping on a glass of red wine, in deep conversation with Skylar and Harry. She chewed on the inside of her cheek until she broke the thin layer of skin and that familiar metallic tang of blood wafted into my nostrils. After a few moments of thought she sighed and looked up at me.

"No, not like that. It was far more than that" she emphasised her last words and smiled over at her brother.

"Nobody knows why or at least they refused to tell him but Sawyer can see or sense  things. I know it might sound crazy but it's the only way I can explain it. He never saw things about himself, but he could feel when I was in some sort of trouble. Whatever it is, all I know is that he would know exactly where I was and he'd come to my rescue every single time" Eden explained, narrowing her eyes at me as she tried to figure out whether I believed her or not.

"couldn't that just be just really good big brother,  sibling instincts though?" I asked, but what I really wanted to do was point out that he didn't exactly save her the time he nearly killed her.

Although I'd helped Sawyer escape Jace's prison times I still didn't completely trust the guy. I'd helped him because it was what Eden wanted and had asked of me.

"Caleb, you don't get it. I mean he could literally see these things, like visions in his head and these intense feelings that he just knew he had to listen to. But before he died Corvac told Blake and Jace that our dad made him perform some kind of spell on Sawyer" this little Luna had more strength than every man in this room.

Not just physically but emotionally too. She wasn't afraid to let her emotions lead her and it was clear she was putting all of  her trust in them in order to do what she thought was best.

I admire that immensely.

"what, some kind of spell that broke that link between you both? " I couldn't help but frown at her,  my brows furrowed tightly together.

"yes exactly that!! Sawyer said a part of him could try to fight it but it was like he'd lost his free will and as much as he knew how much he loved me he wanted to claim me or harm me. He couldn't stop himself from hurting me that day and he hates himself enough for what he did. It took me some time but when I saw him once Jace captured him I knew the old sawyer was back and I could see it in his eyes how much he had been punishing himself" she exclaimed with a sigh. "It wasn't as simple as my brother just randomly wanting to hurt me" she added as if to clarify that point.

" Fine, but he still tried to kill you Eden, for a few seconds there he did. If Blake hadn't of been there we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. I guess I just don't get how you can be so understanding. So forgiving" My head swirled with conflicted thoughts.

" That's simple, because Sawyer isn't just my brother Caleb, he is my guardian Angel. I know it sounds ridiculous but I know it's the truth!" The conviction in her voice was so strong it was hard to doubt that.

"No, Eden I get it, trust me. I've lived long enough to know that we can't always explain things. I mean most humans still don't know we even exist in what they perceive to be, their world" That was the hard truth.

"so is that why you helped me free him without question?" Eden gazed up at me, her blue eyes wide and fixed me on the spot. She cocked her head to the side as if she knew she had a damn good point there. It was a very good question, why had I done that so easily?

"No it's not. I helped you without question because I believe in you. I'm not sure I've ever known anyone quite like you before Eden, Luna" I couldn't help but smile, she truly was something special and I loved her like a sister. I had so much admiration for her too. She was a badass!

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