My life

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Eden PoV

"Hey you. So we decided on a name" Blake kissed my cheek and handed me the baby whilst he took Quinn out of Jace's arms. Jace then took the baby from my arms which left with a huge frown.

"I was worried I'd drop Quinn if we tried to swap directly" Blake admitted coyly.

"It is scary the first few times you hold them but I promise you it gets better really quickly!" I assumed him and rubbed his bicep supportively.

"If you don't like the name we can change it but we think you'll love it as much as we do" Jace explained in a much more nervous manner than he usually behaved which showed me how nervous he was.

"Tell me then, I can't wait any longer!!" I pleaded with a mixture of nervous trepidation and excitement.

"Killian" Jace said with a hint of a smile that had grown as mine did. " Do you like it?" He double checked.

"Are you guys joking? I freakin love it, it's so perfect. Killian and Quinn Anderson Novak!!! Aww I love it so much!!!" My voice had broken into a fully excitable squeal but I didn't care. I pulled all four of my boys into my arms and held them tight. "I love you all so much I can barely believe this is my life!!!" My heart felt fit to burst.

We made our way downstairs once we were all ready for the winter weather and it was as if fate arranged it but the time was 11.55pm when we hit the porch and everyone paused and silence fell when they saw us. They gathered around and all eyes fell upon the twins, the future of the pack.

"Thank you for pausing your fun to listen to me. I'm so happy that you are all having a fantastic New Year's Eve. We've been through a lot recently and we deserve it. You deserve it!!! I'll make this quick, okay?! , I've been absent these past few days and I apologise for that. But I'm back now, stronger than ever and I make this vow right now to never leave you again. I know my wonderful Luna had things under control, Eden is the most strong, amazing person I've ever met and I'm so happy and honoured to be her mate. Without her we wouldn't be standing here tonight, not only ready to celebrate the start of a brand new year but to introduce you to our twins, the brand new generation of alphas that will one day lead this pack and love it the same way that I do. Silverhaven pack please let me introduce you all to Killian and Quinn Anderson Novak!!" Jace didn't even realise how much his pack worshipped him. He was so humble and to witness him so happy made me feel so happy too. Him and Blake held one baby up each and the crowds roared with claps, whistles and cheers of support and joy at the new additions to the Anderson Novak family and the Silverhaven pack.

After Jace's speech a bright spectrum of lights filled the midnight sky and beautiful fireworks exploded above us.

I concentrated hard and the words 'Silverhaven pack' formed from a variety of coloured pyrotechnics and the crowd gasped in awe before the rest of the display went on.

Blake stepped away from Jace and nudged me into that spot instead. Both of my mates nestled into my sides and I looked at each of them holding one of our children and everything suddenly felt absolutely perfect.

My entire life's journey had been filled with sadness and pain. There had been times where things had felt so bleak that I'd considered giving up but something deep inside me never let me give up.

I'd made a lot of mistakes, I'd told lies and gone off by myself in order to do my own thing. But I'd never wanted to hurt anyone, in fact I'd always been trying to protect my loved ones even though they hadn't been privy to that information at the time.

The last year I had died, met not one but two mates and had twins.

All that whilst also fighting our Three tyrannical fathers and preventing them from destroying the world as we knew it. It was completely exhausting, emotionally, mentally and physically but mentally it was worth it in the end.

I'd do it all again, ten fold if I had to because this was my happy ending and I'd fight tooth and nail to get it no matter what was thrown at us.

Blake, Jace, Killian and Quinn were my life and with the help of our family I knew we'd be okay.

Nobody and nothing could ever take that away from me.

ƬℎƐ Ɛᑎᗪ

A/N so the end is here. I felt so sad to writing those two little words. But it's been a rollercoaster of a ride and I can't thank you enough for sticking with me and the story.

What did you think of the ending? Was it what you expected or was there anything more you'd love to see in the story?

What was your favourite moment in the story?

Who are your favourite characters?

I'll be writing an epilogue soon so we can have a glimpse into the Eden, Jace and Blake's future. Any predictions?

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