I'm ready

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Eden PoV

I felt him before I even saw him. It was as if every single cell in my body lit up like small flames licking at my skin and I was drawn follow one foot in front of the other by a force so strong there was nothing I could have done to stop it. Not that I'd ever want to stop it of course.

I flickered my eyes across to Jace who just smiled and nodded his head gesturing forwards towards Logan, the site of the ritual and to him.

My heart and soul felt so complete and my babies began to kick wildly in my stomach as if they too could feel that sudden sense of completion as my heart swelled pounding harder in my chest in sheer excitement and joy.

There he stood bathed in beautiful moonlight highlighting his high cheek bones, his sharp jaw and his blonde hair looked like it had silver streaks as the goddess shone down upon him.

"Hey baby did you miss me?" He chuckled happily as I almost collapsed against him needing him to hold me tightly against him to prove that he was truly here

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"Hey baby did you miss me?" He chuckled happily as I almost collapsed against him needing him to hold me tightly against him to prove that he was truly here. By the last few words my mouth was upon his placing soft kisses upon his pillowy lips as he spoke.

"So much. I can't believe it's really you. That your here. I don't understand" my head nestled against his chest soaking in the raw, manly spicy scent of his body. Blake laid kisses upon my head then rested his head against mine.

My last words were more aimed at Jace. He had reacted badly enough to a phone call so why was he suddenly okay with his presence.

"Jace asked me to come here Princess" Blake's arms lowered shaking around my waist with his large string hands splayed out softly over my bump getting kicked by four little feet in response.

"Feisty like their mummy I see" Blake said with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"I am not-" I retorted slightly annoyed at that dig until I was cut off.

"Oh he's right Eden you are as feisty as they come! But on a more serious note; I haven't always dealt with this two mate thing very well. It's not easy to share you love. When Blake rang you I saw the way your entire face lit up and I couldn't help but feel jealous. However you don't deserve that and neither does he. Blake I'm sorry for not making your life easier"

"Oh Jace" I sighed feeling warmed by his admission.

"Look man, I get it. I have the same feelings at times and it's so far from easy to work through. But what we both agree on is how much we love you Eden and we'll do anything for you. Anything" Blake agreeing with Jace and vice versa was a strange thing to witness but it did make me feel lighter hearing them talk this way.

"You need both your mates with you to be your strongest. The same as I need you by my side to be my strongest. Blake probably feels the exact same way" Sounding so sincere Jace spoke with an upmost confidence that seemed to deep into my veins and fuel my own confidence.

"So beyond the jealousy and the bullshit is that we are strongest when the three of us are together!" Blake announced wisely looking over at Jace who tilted his chin in a sign that he concurred that thought.

"The triad. A three. You and your two besotted mates. Whatever you want to call it we are only our real selves when each of us are fully content. It's when we are strongest, both mentally and physically. The fact of the matter is we need each other; me, Blake and you. That's when our hearts and souls are truly whole. It's what the moon goddess and which ever deities you believe in created us for" these words were so wisely spoken. So true that they penetrated my heart and soul piercing the centre of my very being with the power they had.

Only a true alpha like Jace could speak so powerfully.

No wonder people followed him without question and it was also why others feared him so much.

But I admired him. I loved him with everything I had. Just the same way I loved and admired Blake.

They were such different men. In every single fibre of their beings they were vastly different and yet they were the same to me. They were my mates. The two men I worshipped like the moon worshipped the sun and the stars worshipped the sky. They were the two halves of my heart. Only when I had them both beside me was it complete.

"I love both of you so much I don't know what I'd do without you. I hate it when I don't have the two of you next to me. Holding me. Kissing me..Fuc-"
I could have cried at how happy that made me. It also stirred some other feelings deep down in my belly as that fire on my skin stoked into much larger flames dancing across my stomach and drifting between my legs burning into a intense inferno of heat that made me clench hard.

"Eden behave" Blake warned firmly his eyes flashing dark with desire.

"Later love" Jace winked playfully knowing exactly what my body was aching for.

A loud coughing interrupted the heated scene and I was brought back to reality with a harsh thud when I realised that Logan was standing right beside Blake with a mortified expression upon his face.

"Oh my god Logan I am so sorry I was just so shocked to see Blake here that I kinda drifted off somewhere" breaking out of Blake's hold I rushed up to him embarrassed at my hormonal train of thought.

"I don't need nor want to hear anymore thank you very much Eden. But if you are ready? It's time" Logan grimaced at the awkwardness of the situation before switching to his serious side and reminding me of why we were all here in the first place.

"I'm ready" I looked over at both of my beautiful perfect mates and felt more ready than I ever had done before.

I wasn't sure what was about to happen and what exactly I was ready for but I knew that nothing could be impossible with Blake and Jace next to me.

They gave me the strong to face my future head on and provided me with the determination to reach the highest heights.

I was ready. Ready for anything.

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