Coffee and kisses

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I paced the lounge of Blake's house anxiously awaiting him to come down after his shower for the talk he had mentioned.

My entire body was a bundle of nervous energy and I couldn't stop myself from chewing on my nails despite the vile taste the light pink manicure was leaving in my mouth.

My hands were sweaty and my throat felt like it had grown a huge lump in it that I couldn't shift no matter his much water I drunk from the glass I was holding. Or at least barely holding, my hands were so jittery that they were shaking the glass enough to cause the water to ripple.

I felt exhausted by this entire situation. My heart was confused and my body and brain was just so damn tired. If I could sleep until all of this sorted itself out that would be perfect.

Blake appeared out of nowhere and took the glass from my hand clearly having noticed them shaking.

No matter how much time I spent around him I could never get used to the whole super vamp speed thing and not only that it was how damn silent he was doing it.

Vampires were the ultimate predator in terms of their skill set!

Once he'd put the glass on the coffee table he lightly placed his hands on my shoulders and eased me onto the sofa before taking a seat next to me but leaving enough room to respect my personal space and giving me breathing room.

At some points I had to actually remind myself to breathe because I was freaking out so much inside and holding my breathe in the hope that by the time I exhale I would discover this entire situation had been a dream.

But no such luck.

"So you wanted to talk? Shouldn't we talk with Jace?" I asked hoping that Blake would agree and we could avoid this conversation for a little while longer.

"Eden this is something just the two of us need to discuss" Blake sighed then offered me a soft smile and took my small hand in his much larger one and interlinked our fingers together.

Just that small action felt like light fireworks erupting on my skin. Just like when Jace touched me.

I couldn't help but feel conflicted and disloyal to him. But then again I'd been seeing Blake before I even met Jace so had I actually been disloyal to Blake?

This was such a clusterfuck.

"Oh yeh true"

"I don't really know how to start this off so I'm just going to say what I need to say. But first off, I never meant for this to go so far. I just wanted to save your life I didn't think of anything more than that at the time. But the moment you opened your beautiful bright blue eyes and smiled at me, fuck, I knew right then and there I would end up getting hurt by you. But I wanted you so badly it hurt, damn it I still want you" Blake implored darting his eyes between me and the floor when his emotions were too much for him.

It was clear that the pain of me being mates with Jace hit him all over again as he spoke.

Seeing the anguish in his eyes made me feel physically sick. I could almost feel it rolling off of his body as it tensed beside me.

"I thought I knew exactly who I was, what I wanted, what my future would be like. Until Sawyer ruined it. Until I met you" I tried to explain chuckling as I remember how easy my life used to be.

Training with Harry, Skylar and the rest of the warriors from my dads pack.

That was my destiny, to make my parents proud of me by being the best warrior that pack had ever seen. Playing pranks on each other and just being mischievous, fun loving teenagers.

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