Blood bound

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21 days ago
Jace PoV

I'd only been gone 3 days but it had felt like a lifetime being away from Eden that long . All I could think about was seeing my girl, holding her tight and making her mine forever.

But from the way her friends were looking at me with a mixture of anger, sadness and disappointment, I knew something was wrong. My heart pounded in my chest as a million scenarios flashed through my head, all of which ended with Eden being hurt or much worse.

I felt like I was going to vomit but I forced myself to take a slow deep breath in through my nose, I managed to push the bile that was threatening to escape my throat back downward into my stomach.

I was an alpha and if Eden was in some sort of danger she'd need me to keep a cool head but their behaviour wasn't helping me one little bit.

Harry and Skylar has ran at me full of purpose the moment I stepped foot out of the passenger side of the car. They looked like they were ready to kill me right there on the spot. It was actually kind of endearing to think they might have  intimidated me and I wanted to laugh until I saw the sheer worry in their eyes which made my amusement soon fade away.

I was concerned because their cute attempt at looking pissed off wasn't the only thing I noticed, they were on their own and Eden was nowhere to be seen. Those three were usually inseparable.

If she was with Blake I would lose my shit completely. I knew she wasn't here, in fact she wasn't anywhere in the surrounding area. I'd of known if she'd been close by, I would have smelt her beautiful fruity scent the minute I opened the door.

The scent of her alone would have headed straight to my dick and made it twitch in approval at the thought of coating myself in that smell and letting it absorb deep into every pore in my body.

That way I could carry a little piece of Eden, my own personal paradise with me at all times so I would always have something of her with me.

I put my sexual desires into the back burner and thought things over again and wondered where the fuck Eden was.

There was no way she'd of stayed at her dads pack after the way he'd acted towards her. I'd seen the hurt in her eyes, I knew how much that moment that broken her. Eden couldn't of bared the thought of staying there under his roof any longer.

My hackles rose as I considered the options. She wasn't with Harry or Skylar and she wasn't here so that left one person, no scrap that, it left one vile thing that was she must have been with.

That damned ,dirty, blood sucking leech Blake. I'd bet my last bit of money, my last breath that he knew exactly where she was and so help me goddess I'd beat it out of him if I had to.

I hated that monster so much it made me want to just rip his pathetic throat out and drink his blood just for shits and giggles.

But Eden needed someone and I wasn't here. Shit why wasn't I here? Damn. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

But I'd left her. Fuck, I'd been so blinded by rage I'd left my mate in a vulnerable state and I didn't even take a minute to explain anything to her.

I barely spared her a word to say goodbye did I?!

Fuck. fuck. fuck.

"" I asked quickly, my teeth grounded together as my eyes frantically searched the area praying that she'd just pop up with a bright smile on her face. Then I'd pounce on her and smothered her with kisses.

But there was nothing. She wasn't here.

"why do you care?" Harry questioned flatly as Skylar scoffed loudly at my words.

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