Monsters and Demons

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Eden PoV

This was the first time I'd been in front of the whole pack without Jace and my hands shook with nerves but my determination to get this right was cast iron solid. Mia unlinked her arm from mine and gave me a gentle side hug.

"You will be great Luna. I believe in you" she whispered in my ear .

Her words gave me that little boost of confidence that I needed to hold my head up high and fulfil my role as the packs Luna to the best of my ability.

Logan offered his arm and I linked my arm through his and he led me out into the centre of the stage where a microphone had been placed upon a wooden stand.

My eyes darted out into the vast crowd then to Logan who winked and smiled at me.

'You got this kiddo' his gruff voice said proudly in my mind and made my eyes feel with happy tears knowing the man I thought of as my father was proud of me.

His support and love meant the world to me, it always had.

'Thank you pops' I mindlinked him.

"Thank you for gathering here this afternoon. As you are all aware, a few hours ago Alpha Jace and our beta, Hayden were alerted to something that I can only assume was a threat that they considered as dangerous enough that they had to leave the packhouse to deal with. On this day in particular there is no way that they would have left otherwise. The safety of the pack has and always will be the priority of alpha Jace and myself. But Alpha Jace is not here right now but I am!! I stand before you as yours loyal Luna because I want to assure each and everyone of you that the decision to move you to an alternative location, under the short term leadership of another alpha is not something that any of us took lightly" As I caught my breath I braved myself to look out at the pack.

Each and every one of them were focused on me and for some reason I had the feeling that they were connected to my heart and soul and they could feel the passion I desperately tried to convey.

That gave me the confidence I needed to continue. I could do this.

"Packs fight as one. Packs are unified under their alpha and each member would lay down their life for each other. But the foe we face is not a normal enemy. They are the epitome of evil and they want nothing more than to hurt Alpha Jace, Blake and myself by hurting you. No matter how strong we are as a pack, no matter how hard you would fight, it wouldn't be enough" My voice cracked, I had to take a moment.

I couldn't  continue until I've paused to control the bitter swirl of bile that weighed heavily in my gut at the mere mention of these wonderful people being hurt.

I knew the next part I had to say wouldn't be easy to understand or accept but it was the truth and the pack deserved that.

"Everything that has happened so far was prophesied. The details are ancient and complex but I believe in my heart that your blood being shed would be nothing but stakes in our hearts. All we want is for you to be safe and if that means protecting you in this way then so be it. We would do whatever it takes to ensure your safety. We would give our lives for you. Our lives are worthless without yours. So I ask you to go to Alpha Clinton's pack, respect him as you would your own alpha and look after each other in this difficult time. Jace loves every single one of you more than you will ever know, so hold that love in your hearts and let it comfort you and give you an assurance that you are still a member of the Silverhaven pack. Alpha Jace Anderson is your true alpha and we will be back together again as soon as it's safe to do so. We will battle the demons and fight back the monsters until the world is full of happiness again. I love you all so much. Does anyone have any questions?" At that point I didn't  know if I said the right things, did I repeat myself, did I emphasis the things that were most important or did I just babble on mindlessly like an absolute idiot.

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