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Eden PoV

So much had happened in the past year or so that I'd spent most of my time just completely overwhelmed by it all. There was never a moment of spare time and peace where I could just process things.

There was never time to just hit the pause button and just stop. My life has become an emotional rollercoaster that didn't have any brakes to stop it or even slow down a little bit.

Of course there were incredible moments. Moments that gave me the strength to carry on.

Moments that I'd cherish for all my life and that made me feel a happiness I'd only ever dreamt of experiencing.

But there were far more negative things that constantly undermined happiness. In fact the darkness threatened to completely destroy each and every person and thing that I valued in my life.

Despite the fact that I often felt way out of my depth spearheading the campaign to fight back against The Three Fathers, I knew more than ever that it was my destiny.

It had to be me, there was nobody else that could stand a chance of beating them. But in order to do that I needed to understand and be in much better control of myself and my abilities.

But for this rare moment I was subconsciously enjoying the moment of rest.

When I was a little girl my brothers would literally stand guard at the edge of my bed whilst I slept.
At the time I just thought it was a weird thing that big brothers did for their younger siblings.

Some sort of game of soldiers on guard.

But now that I knew so much more about my childhood, especially my first few days on this earth I realised that it wasn't normal and it definitely wasn't a game. Cole and Sawyer stood on guard as I slept because they feared that our delightful parents would make another attempt at hurting me, or worse.

After they'd found me as a newborn on that cold winter day after our parents had left me outside to die, things had changed for them in a profound way.

My heart broke for them and at the same time a wave of guilt crashed over me and left a terrible taste in my mouth.

It was my fault things changed.

It was my fault.

My fault

How selfish had I been? I'd only just realised how much my birth must have impacted my brother's lives.

The entire family dynamic changed for them.

My fault

From what I'd heard things weren't too bad for my brothers until I arrived. Our parents weren't the most attentive or affectionate but they weren't going around listening to crazy warlocks and trying to murder innocent children. It was an average family home and a pretty average family life. Then I turned it all on its head and ruined that for them.

My fault

As hard as I tried I couldn't remember a single time that either Cole or Sawyer gave me any indication that they blamed me for the huge mess I'd caused. Not once did they do anything that would have suggested an underlying bitterness or resentment towards me. The truth was the complete opposite of that.

My brothers never left me alone, they always protected me, even when I thought they were being annoying older brothers and resented them for always hovering nearby me.

But I had no clue why they behaved in that way, until now. I owed them both so much gratitude and planned on making sure they'd know exactly how much I appreciated them and all they'd done for me.

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