What is your problem?

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The car ride home could only be described as torture. Jace's grip on the steering wheel was so tight that his knuckles were white and he was taking deep breathes as he tried to contain his composure but he was only just managing it.

"Jace can we talk about tonight please?" I asked calmly trying to avoid setting his bad mood off any further than it was already

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"Jace can we talk about tonight please?" I asked calmly trying to avoid setting his bad mood off any further than it was already.

"I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut until we get back to the packhouse" He warmed lowly darting his eyes briefly towards me before focusing back on the dark road ahead of us.

So that was it, we were back in the same damned place again where he was so angry he wouldn't see reason or even hear me out. I was getting sick of this shit already.

The car barely stopped outside and I stormed out of it and inside.

"I thought you guys were out partying it up for the night?" Hayden questioned with a confused look on his face as I rushed by him to go upstairs.

"We were until your dickhead brother nearly beat the crap out of some guy for dancing with me. Which is ironic considering he can barely bring himself to look at me" I huffed and wrapped my arms around myself to comfort my own pain.

"Oh right, are you okay?" Hayden frowned furrowing his brows together as he tried to be polite

"Yeh I'm going to go try to ring Blake to see if he is okay. I can't deal with Jace when he is like this. I've got more important things to worry about" As soon as the words came out of my mouth I realised how bitter and awful I sounded but I was just so confused by Jaces behaviour.

I went upstairs and went to Blake's bedroom. There was no way I was going to spend time with Jace right now.

I practically ripped my clothes off and settled on some leggings and an oversized t-shirt.

I needed to hear a friendly voice, In fact I needed to see a friendly face so rather than just ring Blake I video called him and was so happy to see his gorgeous face when he answered on the second ring.

"Hey baby you missing you" he beamed brightly

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"Hey baby you missing you" he beamed brightly

"Yes so much. I went out to a shifter club tonight with Mia, Sky, Harry and their mates. I was dancing with this guy Adam , just dancing and Jace turned up and went all psycho on the poor man. It was so embarrassing"

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