You stopped her

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A few days later I was busy working the evening shift when Dax called me into his office. I fiddled with my fingers nervously awaiting him to come in and fire me or something knowing that there weren't many other reasons he'd want to see me so privately.

Finally he came in and took a seat opposite my at his desk and gazed at me for a good few seconds as if he was trying to work something out.

"Dax can you please get this over with cos you are freaking me out right now" I blurted our unable to bare the tension anymore.

"Get what over with?" He frowned furrowing his brows together in a confused manner

"Firing me"

"I'm not firing you why would you think that?" He chuckled in surprise

"Well I thought.. the office.. I don't know" I blabbered getting even more confused at this point and barely able to concentrate with another splitting headache and the pounding of my own pulse hammering away in my ear.

"I asked you in here because I'm concerned about you. You don't look well Eden, you are pale, clammy and these headaches you keep getting aren't normal. You need to see a doctor"

"Dax that's not so simple. I left my pack, I don't have anywhere to go"

"I could sort something" he offered kindly

"No honestly I'm okay it's just a few headaches really I can manage" I assured him not wanting to risk going to another pack and it getting back to my dad or worse Jace.

"Okay just keep an eye on it yeh?" Dax agreed reluctantly and gestured for me to leave again feeling so relieved he'd accepted my decision to look after myself.

Not longer after I got back to work Indy and Aubrey popped in to say goodbye because they were going away for a week to their pack.

"I'm gonna miss you" Indy said hugging me tightly and smoothing my hair on a motherly manner. Indy was such a mother hen and always looking after everybody.

"Me too but it's just a week" i returned the hug and pulled Aubrey into it too squeezing them both.

"Well ring you tomorrow" Aubrey informed me waving goodbye as I watched them leave the bar wondering how I'd manage a whole week by myself.

The evening rushed by and I was rushed off of my feet so by 1am there were just a few drunks left behind.

One group were a bunch of wolves in their mid to late 40's/ early 50's and were loud and obnoxious but tipped well once they were drunk so I was careful not to bite their heads off whenever they'd make inappropriate comments to me.

But my head was throbbing and they were getting on my last nerve as I placed their beers on the table hoping to make a quick getaway.

One man suddenly laughed sinisterly at me and wrapped his large greasy hand around my wrist pulling my forwards until my front hit the table.

His other hand groped my ass and his dirty toothed ugly friend copied his movements and grunted in approval as I struggled against his strong hold.

I could feel my blood boiling and my temper rising to the surface and just as I went to snap Dax appeared and roughly snatched the mans arm away from me.

I took several steps back and glared at the leeches fighting my training instincts to lash out at them.

"Try that again and I'll kill you myself" Dax warned darkly before joining me.

"You alright Eden?" He pursed his lips as if he wanted to tell me off for nearly losing my temper but was trying to refrain from it.

"I'm fine I could have handled it" I snapped not appreciating his hero antics

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