A moment of peace

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Blake PoV

It felt like we'd reviewed, revised and wrangled with the plan for most of the day and my head throbbed more with every second that passed by.

My entire body and being was aching for my mate and I could barely focus any longer as that need became a deep yearning just to lay my eyes on Eden. My fingers itched to touch her delicate, soft skin and soak myself in her sweet scent.

Jace had tried his best to hide his own emotions and I'm sure to the less observant person it would have worked but not for me, his behaviour was an exact reflection of my own.

He'd avoided my eyes but when I finally made eye contact I saw how exhausted he looked. It wasn't a particularly physical condition but like mine, a strong emotional desire to reconnect with one's mate.

"What about the unknown soldiers they might be hiding elsewhere?" One of Cole's warriors asked.

He was only doing his job but I thought I'd lose it there and then.

"Listen, there are only so many times we can go over the plan. But the truth is we can't calculate every single thing that will happen until it happens. We are all strong, none of us are fresh to battles and we all have the same goal in mind!" I snapped, my voice sounded far tougher than I'd intended but I spoke the truth.

"Blake is right" Hayden sighed and stretched his arms above his head. He had as much on his plate as us and I hoped when push came to shove he'd make the right choice and not fall into the trap I could guarantee that his wayward mate had set. Fucking bitch!

"We should all go spend some time with loved ones and family. Or get some rest and reserve your energy for what tomorrow will bring" Jace nodded and admitted.

"I think I'm gonna grab a shower, some food and head off to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning bro, but if you need me don't hesitate to give me a shout" Hayden hugged Jace and left the room.

Everyone else left but once it was just myself, Jace, Logan and Cole Jace raised a hand and stopped us in our tracks.

"Problem?" Logan raised an eyebrow as he shut the door.

"not sure. Cole, I'm worried about Eden. She's been through so much already and .. well she seems quiet but handling things a little too well!" Jace explained and looked my way to back him up.

"Jace and I have been keeping an eye on her, but she doesn't seem to want to open up to us. Or even accept our comfort" I repeated the concerns Jace and I had discussed earlier just after Eden left the office.

"I talked to her earlier. She's okay. My sister is far stronger than she shows. But she's had to hide that strength for most of her life, some of that is my fault but she'll be okay. Just give her some time and let her come to you when she's ready" Cole advised honestly and I was grateful that he'd returned into her life at the point she needed him more than ever before.

"Do you think we are doing the right thing with her place in all of this ?" Jace asked him honestly.

"Eden will be okay. She'll do what she thinks is best" Cole assured us and that seemed enough for Jace.
His shoulders relaxed slightly and the frown lines in his forehead softened so they looked less like a butt.

"Cole is right! Eden is the strongest person I've ever met. She also has the biggest heart too and I know she'll do whatever she can to protect the people she loves!" Logan backed Cole up and he wouldn't say that unless he truly met it.

Logan wasn't a man of many words so when he did talk, it was always with words of substance. He was like a father to Eden and knew her better than anyone at this point.

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