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Eden PoV

Blake was sitting in an armchair across the living room from where I was sitting in the sofa and he was deep in thought and his expression was turning from sadness to frustration and then to a twisted look of anguish.

The silence... the space between us both emotionally and physically was hurting me almost much as the thought of what I would have to do next.

Blake has told me my options and since then we'd not uttered a word to each other and the tension in the air was palpable.

"What about the babies?" I asked in a quiet, nervous voice. I was still reeling from this situation aswell as being pregnant with twins and I wanted to know the full implications of my actions.

"Devon said one baby is more genetically vampire and therefore there shouldn't be any issues. The other baby... Jace's baby has your genes so they also will be okay" Blake tried to hide the grimace that was on his face when he mentioned Jace but I caught it.

"What if I don't do it and just carry on like I have been?" I knew the answer but I couldn't help but ask.. to delay the enviable.

"The cravings will get worse and eventually you will hunt... you'll kill innocents" wow he didn't hold back with the full impact of what could be my future. I knew he was trying to back off alittle in order to give me space to consider my options, my future without any influence from my feelings for him but I missed him.

He was only a few steps away but I missed him as if he was miles away. My fingers itched to touch him. To run my fingers across his muscular chest and trace that v line that led down into his jeans.

Goddess I wanted him so badly my entire body aches for him. I could barely look at him without clenching my thighs together as my mind raced with images of him touching me.

"I'm ready... but I can't kill anyone. I can't hurt anyone Blake... not like this anyway" sure I had a few people I'd happily kill without a second thought but that was revenge. That was to safe my loved ones and the pack.

This bloodlust... this wasn't something I could kill over. If I did that I knew I'd lose myself even more than I already had.

"Nobody is getting hurt baby.... this blood is from the blood bank. We have a deal with them and this way people don't get hunted. They don't get killed" he assured me getting to his feet and gesturing for me to follow him.

Once we were in the kitchen I sat at the stool and lent my elbows on the marble island counter and watched as Blake went in the fridge and grabbed two clear thick plastic bags filled with bright claret red blood.
He ripped off the seals and poured them out. He emptied the contents of one into a tall glass but the other into a black mug. I raised my eyebrows in curiosity as to why he'd done that.

"It's easier at first if you can't see what you are drinking" Blake explained and slid the mug over to me and leant across the island right opposite me.

I turned my nose up but the metallic, coppery tang began to waft into my nostrils and my mouth salivated at the delicious smell. I hated it but I couldn't help but crave it like nothing I'd craved to drink before.

"Bottoms up" he smirked raising his glass in a cheers gesture and knocked the glass back and finished it in one long gulp.

"Blake"there was something sinfully sexy about the way he licked his lips and the smell of blood and sex radiated through the room. I bit my lip unable to take my eyes off of him for a second. Blake walked around the island until he was right behind me.

"Stop biting you're lip like that and drink  it baby... then I'm going to fuck you senseless" he encouraged me whispering in my ear with a low, husky voice that sent shudders down my spine. He began to place hot kisses on the back of my neck.

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