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Blake PoV

Eden's  eyes glowed a beautiful shade of lilac as the beauty of her vampire surfaced. It felt like months since I had seen this side of her, I couldn't help but stop for a moment and just take in the glorious creature that she was.

My gums throbbed, blood lust spiked in my veins as ideas of sharing such an experience drifted through my mind.

Draining a human being between two vampires so deeply connected as Eden and I was a very special kind of act that would only strengthen our bond even more than it already was.

"Drink Eden" Cole tried to coax her by gesturing to Marco with his chin.

Eden stared at the blood but didn't move. Cole held out his hand to her and she looked down at it but still refused to budge.

"Blake" she whispered out, slowly lifting her eyes to meet mine.

Her voice was hoarse from crying so much and the edge of need as she called my name, just that one word had my head feeling dizzy with a million different thoughts and emotions. Many of them were very inappropriate for this sad time. But I couldn't help it, Eden had such a powerful effect on me that there was nothing I could do to control myself around her.

"It's okay baby, you need to drink" I smiled down at her and hoped that my words would give her the encouragement she needed.

"Blake, she's never done this before, not to this extent. I think she needs you to help her. We'll give you some privacy" Jace wasn't stupid and he knew what this kind of thing meant between vampires, the pure intensity of it  and yet he was willing to let it happen, all for the love of Eden. I admired him for doing that for her, I appreciated him doing it for me too and I'd be sure to let him know later on.

"Let's go guys" Cole eased Marco's body onto the ground and stood to full height.

He looked directly into my eyes as if he was assessing my worthiness of Eden from a big brother's perspective before he clapped me on my shoulder and tilted his head as if to permit me to continue.

It was just Eden, Marco and I here now. Marco was barely conscious and his pulse was slowing down as the seconds passed but he hadn't lost that much blood yet so it was just pain and shock affecting him.

That meant we had time to explore this and allowed Eden a few moments to figure things out. Although once you started this kind of thing, it came pretty quick to your vampiric nature.

Because Eden was so heavily pregnant she wouldn't be able to feed in the usual positions so I had to quickly figure out a way in which she could comfortably drink from Marco.

I sat down and encouraged Eden to nestle between my legs so that she could lean on me for support before I then hoisted Marcos body beside us, placing my hand around the back of his head to hold him upright and in the right position for us.

"Thank you Blake" Eden offered me a slight smile and her fangs reflected off of the moon that shone high in the sky now the storms had passed.

"No need to thank me beautiful, but you need to drink now"

Eden chewed on her inner cheek for a few seconds before she leant closer into Marco and sank her fangs into his neck. I expected him to jerk as she made contact with him because that magical zappy power that radiated out of her coursed through his body but it didn't. He didn't move at all.

Then I realised, it was clear that Marco was in no state to be of any threat to her and therefore he was nothing but prey, food for her at this point. Whatever caused or controlled that zapping thing didn't see him as a potential problem.

Once I saw she was drinking I proceeded to do the same on the opposite side of his neck.

All I could hear was the wetness of human blood being drawn from his veins into our bodies and his soft moans that slowly drowned out to nothing as his heart rate dropped to nearly nothing.

My own heart raced as my veins filled up with the warmth of human blood straight from the jugular. I tried to be good and cause as little harm to human beings as possible these days but blood bags didn't provide the satisfaction that a fresh body did. There was a heady effect that warm blood fresh from the vein gave you.

Eden felt it too, she gripped onto Marcos neck harshly and greedily drunk as much as she could possibly get before we hollowed him out and left him with barely a drop of blood left in his lifeless body.

Marco's body fell limp onto the ground and Jace was there to offer Eden assistance getting to her feet.

"Take him to the dungeon and put as much human blood as you can find with him. He's gonna need it!" Jace told Hayden and Alex who gently lifted Marco from the floor and headed off to the dungeon.

When Eden stood up,  her eyes flashed a vivid purple, far brighter than I'd ever witnessed before, and they narrowed in on one person in particular. Cole.

You could practically feel the tension crackling within the air. This didn't look good.

"You abandoned us and now he's dead. This is all your fault. You left us, you left us"  Eden grounded out bitterly, stalking towards him with an agility that was in complete odds with her heavily pregnant frame.

"I know I left you but that's not important , not right now. I know how to bring Sawyer back. We can get him back but I need you to trust me Eden. Please trust me little sister" Cole spoke confidently and completely unfazed by Eden's behaviour. It was almost as if he had expected it.

Jace, Flynn, Amara and myself watched on tenterhooks as these siblings discussed matters in such a heated manner.

Eden was literally vibrating with anger but Cole was still as cool as a cucumber and looked like he had everything under control.

I'd been on the bad side of Eden before and there was zero chance I was going to interfere and risk landing there again. This was not my battle and whatever Eden wanted to say to Cole was well within her rights when he'd just waltzed back into her life after so many years.

But then Eden's claws extended and her canines lengthened as an ear splitting growl escaped her lips. Her eyes honed in on Cole and it was obvious he was nothing more than an enemy to her, he was her prey.

"Fighting me won't bring him back Eden. It's not me you're angry with and you know it. I can't get our brother back if I'm dead" Cole didn't falter from his strong stance, he wasn't fearful of Eden even though she could kill him with the mildest touch. She was stronger than most wolves these days thanks to her vampiric side. Fuck she was stronger than most people I knew.

"Bring my brother back or I swear to the goddess I will kill you with a smile on my face" my girl threatened through gritted teeth and her voice in almost a vicious snarl that would make any grown men quiver in their boots.

Eden turned away and headed into the packhouse and once she disappeared from sight I was practically floored by her emotions that came tumbling through the bond between us. Jace swallowed hard from next to me and I knew that he felt the same thing.

It was clear that Eden was warring an internal battle to understand everything that had occurred today, Sawyers murder. The way that Cole turned up out of the blue after so many years away and the knowledge that her and our babies were in grave danger.

It was just all too much for one person to bear and she couldn't keep our bond closed any longer so it dropped like a dam bursting and I began to drown within her pain.

What could I do to help her? Imaging somebody's pain was one thing, but experiencing it first hand like this was more intense than I could have ever thought possible.

My entire body, heart and soul ached for her. I would do whatever it took to ease her suffering and make her smile and feel happiness again. Even if I had to tear down the stars from the sky to do so.

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