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Eden PoV

I was sitting in the pack house library. Curled up in a cosy armchair with my legs tucked under my bum surrounded by open books that I'd been reading for hours trying to do some research into what my brother had told me.

Everything he said made perfect sense, even the things he suggested I do and what would happen was right. Unless he could suddenly predict the future there was no real way of being able to know that kind of thing. It was so so surreal but something deep inside my gut trusted him. Trusted what he was telling me was true.

I sighed and slammed the latest book down and chucked it on the table with all the other ones. I put my notebook in my lap and slid the pencil behind my ear.

With a deep sigh I squeezed my eyes shut and went over the conversation trying to find any hint of a lie in my brothers mannerisms or a slip in his act

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With a deep sigh I squeezed my eyes shut and went over the conversation trying to find any hint of a lie in my brothers mannerisms or a slip in his act.

"I will be able to touch you without getting hurt. My job is to protect you, to protect the Triad. Touch me and I'll prove it" Sawyer appeared to be so confident in his words as he crouched towards the floor of his cell as I sat on the opposite side of the silver rails.

"Maybe the zappy thing stopped. But I won't risk hurting you Sawy... I won't" It wasn't that I didn't believe him, but I wasn't going to put him at risk and harm him.

"It's not stopped. It's not going to stop anytime soon. Since when have you been such a chicken little sister?" He was taunting me now, trying to push me into rising to the challenge and prove that he was wrong. My wolf was urging me to do what he was telling me to do in order to prove our worth. Our strength.

"Don't push me" I warned lowly shaking my head at how much it was like being a kid again and his getting me in all kinds of trouble. He's always take the blame but I always felt I had to be brave and make myself his equal.

"I dare you. Test the zappy thing on the guard. Then test it on me" fuck. He knew I never failed to carry out a dare. I refused to cower down and my wolf didn't either. We used to be a strong warrior and we still had that strength inside us.

"Excuse me umm it's Harris right? You couldn't come give me a hand please? I've got all stuff sitting like this so long" i beckoned then guard over and reluctantly held my hand out hoping he would reach out to assist me.

"Absolutely ... of course Luna" shit I felt like crap because he seemed so pleased that I knew his name and he rushed over to me and ignored my brother completely. Then his fingers wrapped around my wrist and immediately he looked wide eyed as the zappy power shot through his body and caused him to collapse to the floor shaking like he was having a fit.

"Told you so" My cocky bastard of a brother smirked almost amused by what I'd done to the poor guard in front of me.

"Shit face" I sneered feeling an awful guilt as I looked between Sawyer and Harris. The idea of hurting my brother like that made me feel sick. He had hurt me much worse but he hadn't had a choice and we were trying to move on and I didn't want to cause him any pain.

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