A force to be reckoned with

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Eden PoV

Neither Jace or Blake had responded to my mindlinked but I knew they were out on the furthest stretch of the east of the territory.

Not only did mindlink weaken with distance but if they were engaged in a heated debate or worse, a fight then they wouldn't have the time or ficus to reply.

After a couple of attempts I gave up knowing that they were fully capable of taking care of themselves.
There were enough of them to deal with whatever problem Jace had sensed and that they'd all come home safe and sound once they had sorted it out.

Of course I was a bit worried but they were my mates and I loved them so much I'd die if anything ever happened to them. Caleb, Alex, Ethan, Seb and Hayden were like brothers to me and I worried about them too!

I actually worried more about whoever had pissed Jace off because with those guys to back him up, he'd be one hell of a formidable opponent.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the faces upon the troublemakers when they saw the true extent of their opposition.

I'm sure they'd act confident, cocky perhaps, but deep down they'd shit themselves. I bet they'd quickly regret their actions and pray to whatever deity they worship for salvation.

But no god could stop men like Blake and Jace. They were like walking, talking and divinely beautiful gods themselves.

Their regret would be warranted too,because when that lot got pissed off it wasn't pretty and if they felt that their loved ones, the pack and family alike, were being threatened - there wouldn't be any conversation, there would be nothing but bloodshed.

Sat up on a high stool at the kitchen island munching on an apple and imagining all the ways Jace and Blake's muscles would flex as they ripped the enemy to pieces I was brought back to reality when Will and Mia hurried in looking stressed out and uneasy.

It couldn't have been easy for Will and his warriors to stay here when there was a chance that their alpha was in a battle of some kind. It wasn't in their nature to hang back and not provide Jace with backup and protection. His tour was all messed up, sticking in all different directions, probably from running his fingers through it as he tried to keep his cool in this unusual situation.

Mia's eyes were all glassy like she'd been fighting to hold the tears in and look strong. She wrapped her arms around herself to soothe her anxiety.

I glanced over at my shadow, Amara who was lent up against the countertop near the sink. In her typical no nonsense style she rolled her eyes at the tension that they'd brought in with them.

"They aren't dead so there is no need for such dramatics!" Amara exclaimed bluntly as she switched on the coffee machine and shoved a mug in it.

Will threw her an angry glare whilst Mia tightened her self hug and tutted at Amara's insensitivity.

"Who said they were dead?" Mia muttered as if Amara had sent her spiralling down a whole new path of fear.

"I'd love a coffee please Amara. Mia, Will, would you like a drink?" I asked softly, trying to defuse and distract things.

"You can't drink coffee- it's bad for the babies!! I'll make you a hot chocolate" Amara told me in a motherly tone that was both caring yet scolding too.

But she was right, I had read somewhere that caffeine was bad to have during pregnancy even though the boost of energy would be perfect right now.

Around this time of day I was always hit by a sudden, strong wave of exhaustion that had me retreating to my bed for a nap until dinner time most days this past week or so.

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