Chapter 55 : Excepted

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up not remembering that i got my self to sleep or ready for bed but all my blankets are fixed I'm all comfortable . I am now sleeping in the back since I'm am pregnant . Luke wants me to be comfortable and relaxed he thinks its not good for me to sleep in the bunks .Which I don't see why but oh well I'm good here . I'm not going to argue about it . I turn my head to face the door and there is Luke standing there looking and me . That smile . I smile back at him . '' What are you doing ? '' I ask him . '' Oh nothing I  just came to check on my girl . '' Luke says '' Don't stare . '' I said jokingly . '' You are the only one I wanna stare at . '' Luke says with a smirk on his face . '' So cheesy you gonna help me ? ''

'' No I'm not I'm just going to stare at you . '' Luke says sarcasticly '' Hahaha very funny . '' I put my arms out . Luke grabes them and helps me up . '' So where are the guys at ? '' I ask him . '' Michael and Calum are in the back and Ashton is still in his bunk . '' '' What's wrong ? '' I ask him . '' We don't know we tried getting him to come out or talk to us but it's not working . '' '' Maybe I can help . '' I say . I don't really know why I said that I'm probably that last person he wants to talk to since last time I talked to him . I got to least try . I know I am mad at him well I was mad at him for what he said but I have to get over it . I do care about him . A lot . I walk past his bunk . Luke is beside me . I whisper to Luke '' Go to Calum and Mike I think it will work better if you weren't beside me . '' Luke nodds his head and goes to hang out with Mike and Calum .

'' Ashton if you're in there please talk to me . '' '' No . '' It was weird to hear his voice . I turned around to face the other guys and they were all looking . I turn back to face the bunk . '' What's wrong we can talk about it . '' '' You already know what its about so why do you want talk about ? '' '' If we be civil and have a feel conversation without yelling or anything then we could . '' '' You make a good point but it's going to be hard to do that . '' '' I know it is but we can at least try . '' '' Ok well give me a few minutes . '' '' Ok . ''

I turn around facing the guys . Michael and Calum are just clapping . Luke has a smile the same smile that was on his face when I woke up . They were all sitting down when I was walking over to them . I walked towards Luke . Once I was in front of him he put his hands on my stomach he said '' This might all turn out good for us not just mommy but who ever is in there then you too . '' After Luke says that he looks up at me . I have tears in my eyes . '' So what about baby names ? '' Calum asked .

'' Not today maybe in a few days or when ever we can think of some . '' I tell Calum in a soft voice . ''I'm ready to talk . '' Ashton says . I turn around and face him . '' Can I speak first ? '' Ashton ask me . '' Yeah sure . '' I sit on Luke's lap . I'm surprised it doesn't hurt because with my weight and the baby's . Me and Luke look at each other then back at Ashton . '' The both of yall look so happy and I have to except that you are with him and I was just the guy that fell in love to fast not knowing where it was headed . I don't want you to be in stress . I just want you to be happy with what ever you are doing or with . What I have to do is support with you even though I might not agree with you . '' Ashton says and it's so sweet it's making me wanna cry . '' Are you ok ? '' Luke ask . I turn to face him .

'' Yeah I'm just happy . '' '' Good . '' Luke says . '' So will you forgive me for all that I did and except me ? '' Ashton asks me . '' Yes you were always . '' I get up from Luke's lap letting his hands fall by my sides to go hug Ashton . The funny thing is Ashton already had his arms out and tears in his eyes . I walk over to Ashton and give him big hug . Well has big as I can go . It's kind of hard to hug someone when the are pregnant . The both of us pull away . I look back at the guys and Michael is whiping tears from his face '' That was beautiful . '' Michael says making me laugh . Luke stands up .

'' We are happy to have you back Ash . '' Luke says to Ashton . '' It's good to be back . '' Ashton says . '' Now everything is going to go well . '' I say . '' I hope so . '' Ashton says . Luke and Ashton keep looking at each other . It's kind of funny .  I step backwards . Michael and Calum both come from behind and put their arm around me . '' Are they ok ? '' I ask them both . '' I have no idea . '' Calum says . '' Should we shake them ? '' Michael ask . '' I don't know . '' I say . '' What do you think will happen ? '' Calum ask . '' Keep staring I guess . '' Michael says . They pull each into a hug . '' aww how sweet . '' I say as the pull apart . '' Man you guys are so weird . '' I tell them all . '' We know we are . '' Ashton says .  As we all decided to watch TV well a movie I got a text from the same unknown number I have been getting to from . I haven't told the guys because I'm scared if the guys will get hurt knowing . The text says '' It willn't always stay like this . ''

A/N = I have thought maybe I should post the chapters like every eight days or something because thats what I have been doing for the past times . What do you think of the texts ? Lets just say all these things lead up to the last to chapters . I can't say anything it will ruin the surprise at the end . You might like it and you might not . Can you guys please read my other fan fic its for the other band the I love called R5 please read it its new . So I hope you enjot both stories or just this one if you're not going to read it but yeah my instagram is @r5dood_5sos_sam please follow me . Vote and Comment what you think ........

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