Chapter 37 : Realize

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                                                                                Luke's P.O.V.

I was starting to think having Katherine go talk to Ashton was a bad idea . She has been in there a while . I started to worry . But I shouldn't because I bet they have a lot to talk about . I was playing video games with Michael and Calum . I was losing really badly . '' are you ok ? '' Michael asked me . '' I'm fine . '' ''you didn't want her to go see him is that it ? '' Calum asked me . '' no I wanted her to go in there and talk to him about every thing so she knows how she feels about . I was the one that made her . Now I think  that is a bad idea . '' '' oh about who . '' Calum asked me . '' me , Ashton , well everything really . Calum you can take my place I'm going to go . '' '' oh ok . '' Michael and Calum went on playing games while I was staring at the door . Deciding if I should go and see her or no and make things worse .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

Seconds later I pull away from Ashton . And again I am surprised that he kissed me . '' don't do that . I'm going to go and don't follow me . You better not follow me Ashton . '' I tell him he just stands there like he doesn't kow what to do . I run out of the room . Look left and right . I see the back door of the hotel . I start running towards it . I slam it open having tears fall down my face . I close my eyes and run . I don't care what I'm going . I just want to keep going and going . I stop myself at the edge of the pool and stare in the water .

Then I look back at the hotel . I don't see anyone . So I stand back take off my shoes. Before I jumped in I look up and see Crash standing about ten feet away from me . I rube my eyes to see if I was seeing things . When I looked again he wasn't there so then I jumped in .

                                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I was tired of standing there staring at the door . I walked towards the door . '' where do you think your going ? '' Calum asks . '' to see Katherine , I have to . '' '' fine go get her . '' he says . I rush out of the door to where Ashton and Katherine are . I knock on the door . Ashton opened it . '' where's Katherine ? '' '' I don't know . '' '' what do you mean you don't know ? '' '' I mean I kissed her and she got mad and left and told me not to follow her . '' '' you idiot she could kill her self . '' '' what why would she do that ? '' '' she barly has anything and she has us thats arguing all the time . Now thats stop and find her . ''

Me and Ashton came out of the room . '' go find Katherine I will get Michael and Calum . '' Ashton tells me . I am surprised he said for me to and not him . I went straight to the back door . I looked around . As I get outside Calum comes out . '' wheres Ashton and Michael ? '' I ask Calum '' they went to look at the front of the hotel . '' I started to freak out . I had no where to look .

Ashton and Michael came outside . '' We didn't see her in the front of the hotel . '' Ashton said . '' what do you mean you didn't find her . This is Katherine we are talking about . '' I look away from him because I know I am not supose to be fighting with him . I am supose to be looking for her . As I look down I see a body in the water . It looks like Katherine with her Green Day shirt . Her reddish brown hair . I quickly take off my shoes and jump in . I open my eyes underwater . It hurt .

I grabbed her . Pulled her on top of the water . I put her in my arms and get her out of the water . I check to see if she is still breathing . Katherine is but a little . I hold her head . Then look up at Ashton who had tears in his eyes . I tell him to save her . '' no she loves you . '' Ashton tells me . '' but she loves you too . '' I get up and Ashton takes me spot .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I hold her in my arms . I slowly go close to her face . I blow air . I keep blowing in till I felt movement or breathing . All of a sudden Katherine pulls her head up . And takes a deep breath . I have my arms wrapped around her . After she gets her breath . She wrapped her arms around me . I was really wet .

                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I could breath . I felt like I was going to die . As Ashton saved me I huged him . I had tears falling down my face . Getting Ashton's shirt even more wet then it already is from me . I look up I see Luke standing there all soaking wet . I look at him and smile . I pull away from Ashton . I lean on his shoulder to get up . As I stand up straight I kind of fall over . Luke comes straight towards me . But I am already on the ground by the time he comes . Ashton gets up and helps me up .

I put each hand on Luke and Ashton's shoulders . We all walk slowly to the door . I walk to the door as Luke . Calum and Michael go to the other door . Ashton just stands there . I just walk in to the room . I look around then I go in the bath room .

But before I do that Luke walks in the room with the door open . I go out of the bath room and ask the guys to come in and hang out I wanted all of them . So they came in and I toke a shower . I got out and realized I forgot to get my clothes . So I slightly open the door asking if someone could get my clothes . Luke got my clothes . '' thank you . '' I mouthed to him . I got changed . I am happy that Luke got me something comfortable . I changed and came out of the room . It was getting really late . They all stopped playing games . Before they left I asked if they can all stay . Michael and Calum agreed to . I slep on the right side on the bed near the wall and Luke slepted beside me . Michael and Calum slept on the bed near the window . Ashton slept on the floor by me .

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