Chapter 58 : Saying Good Bye

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up next to Luke because I wanted him to be beside me since what happened yesterday . I shouldn't make a big deal out of it since he just got punched nothing else but still . I didn't want him in the bunks . I don't really know why . It was just the bunks . I think it was because I just wanted to make sure he was ok . I looked over at him . He looked so cute just sleeping there .

Starting to think about yesterday I'm starting to realize how I have changed since I meet these guys . And how much I use to love Crash and want to be with him and now I just hate his guts . Is that bad ? Wiat it is cause I found better and that it Luke . I used to be broken and hurt inside and now I am strong I can stand up for myself and be who I am . Not let people control me . Its like Luke put the pieces together well I shouldn't just say Luke it was Ashton and Michael and Calum too . It's lke each of them had a few pieces and put them back together . But the one person that has always been there since the beginning was my best friend . Bethany .

Now to think about it I hear noise coming from the front of the bus . And not the kind of noise you wanna hear . I get up from slowly and quietly so Luke doesn't wake up I want him to sleep . I remove his arm from my waist and get up . When I walk up to the front I see something that you normally don't see everyday . I see Calum and Bethany making up . They are both sitting down . Well Calum is sitting on the chair and Bethany is on his lap . I just stand there to see if they notice I'm here .

'' Do you like what you see ? '' Ashton says behinding me and scaring me . I don't know he was up . '' No I ust want to see if they notice me . '' I say '' Oh . '' He says . I look behind me and I see Michael getting out of his bunk . '' Watcha watching ? '' Michael asks . '' Calum and Bethany . '' Michael looks at them and says '' I want that . '' '' Well she is taking if you can't tell . '' I say '' No not her a girl that I can do anything with . '' I knew what he meant I just wanted him to say loud and clear . '' Then why don't you go find one . '' I tell him '' That's to much work . '' Michael says . '' Well if you want love then you got to go find it . '' I say rolling my eyes . It started to get really weird so Michael faked coughed very loudly .

Both of them looked at us . Bethany just had a smile on her face and Calum just looked like he didn't know what to do . I started to laugh . Bethany had some lipstick smudjedon her face and Calum had it all of his face .

                                                                        Bethany's P.O.V.

'' Hay Calum you got a little something on your face . '' Michael says pointing all over his face . I got up off of Calum and he walked to the bathroom . I was off all day all I could think of is how I am supose to tell them my news . Calum kept asking me if I was ok and I kept getting annyed so I just kissed him and didn't stop . I thought if I stopped he would ask me again and I wasn't ready to tell him and I don't think I am ready to tell him or any of them . While he goes to the bathroom that gives me time to think . But I was wrong Katherine came up to me and asked if I was ok . I told her '' There is something I need to tell you guys . ''  Luke comes to the room . Well I shouldn't say room because this is a tour bus . '' Hay baby did you have a good sleep ? '' Katherine asked him . Luke says '' Yes especially next to you . I miss that . '' Luke says to her .

I think thats sweet . To me I think Luke is good for her . Not Ashton . I was team Luke when ever it was the love triangle thing . Wow did I just say love triangle ? Yep I did but it was one . To me Ashton is to agressive for her . She needs someone like Luke in her life which she does so I'm not that worried about her when I'm gone . Calum comes back from the bathroom . '' Took you long enough . '' Michael says to Calum . '' I'm sorry Make up is hard to get off . Now I know why girl take forever when it comes to make up . '' Calum says . Making me and Katherine laugh . It makes me think of when we first meet .

We both had the same third grade class . I just came up to her and we started talking . There was this guy named Josh that always made us laugh . He was like that funniest guy in our grade . We mostly became best friends because of him . I shouldn't just say us it was me and Katherine and Josh . We were like the three mucketeers . We did everything together . It was going great for us in till he had to move away in sixth grade to go with his dad . And Katherine's dad left her because of her terriable mother . I wish I could see him again but the thing is I don't know where he is . I wish we stayed in touch .  Everyone sat around me . '' Ok so when I went back to go vist my mom and she told me something and she wants me to say with her and I do to because I don't want to walk out again on her . '' I tell them . '' What does she have ? '' Calum asked her . I looked over at Katherine who had tears in her eyes . '' She has stage four lung cancer so she only has eight months to live . '' Katherine starts to really cry . My mother was like a mom to her since hers was always gone . I gave a hug to Katherine . Everyone else joined in . I pulled away . I had to leave . If I stay any longer then I wouldn't be able to go . '' I have to go now but Katherine I love you and you're my best friend always and forever together just call me when you need me . '' I tell Katherine . I turn over to Calum who is crying and eyes are red . '' Calum I love you and I know it was short but I know I do love you . '' I walk out of the tour bus with me stuff and head to my car .

A/N= Sorry gusy I a lot of times wait so long and . It's a long wait . But I hace been so tired and I have school and so much home work I even have some today but I decided to do this first so . . . . What do you think . I decided to have a Bethany's P.O.V. just so you can see how it is for her .  What do you think of Katherine and Bethany's past . Do you think Josh will come back ? If you guess well guess because I don't even have an answer for that . I'm still deciding . But just letting you know in the next chapter you will find out what gender the baby is . Vote and Comment what you think .

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