Chapter 43 : Coming

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                                                                          Katherine's P.O.V.

As Luke starts driving back to the  hotel well home for a litlle bit longer intill the tour starts back up again . I sit in the car waiting for Luke to put our stuff in the trunk . Luke walks around to the the front seat . I just watch him get in and smile at him . '' What are you looking at ? '' Luke asks me . '' You . Of course . '' The both of us lean and kiss each other . We both pull away .

Lucas starts driving I just stare at the sky and trees as it goes by . 

                                                                     Luke's P.O.V.

As I kissed her it didn't seem right . Well it was right . I'm talking about her something's wrong and I have to figure it out . '' Are you ok ? '' I ask her . '' yeah I am fine can you just pay attention to the road and not me please . '' When she said that I know something was up . Katherine was right . I need to focus on the road . I just kept going . It was all silent .

A hour later ...

 I pul in to the parking lot of the hotel . I could see Michael and Calum and ... There was one other person I saw but I didn't recognize . I didn't see Ashton . I looked over at Katherine it looks like she was about to go to sleep . I slightly shake her . Katherine opens her eyes and looks at me and smiles . '' Before we go in we need to talk . '' '' Ok lets do it . '' Before she started talking she grabbed my hands . And looked straight in my eyes . '' Ok after all that happened and I enjoyed every minute and I do love you . I answered the question already . Yeah it's you but can you not talk about it intill I'm ready to talk to Ashton . '' '' Yes I willn't tell anyone I promiss . '' Katherine gave me the look like really . '' Not even Michael or Calum . '' I rolled my eyes .

'' Is that a deal ? '' Katherine ask me . '' only if that bed room is good . '' '' yeah it is don't push it . '' We both laugh .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

The both of us get out of the car . I get my things out of the car and Luke does the same with his stuff . '' Let me get your things . '' Luke says to me . '' No I'm fine . '' Luke grabs our drinks . As he does that . He spills mine all over him . I laugh at him . I grabe a few napkins from the bag . I stoftly wipe it from his face . As I am done I put my hand on his cheek and my thumb on his lips going in circles . Feeling his lip ring . I pull my hand away . '' Why do you always put your thumb on my lips ? '' '' Because they are soft and cute . '' '' Well thank you . '' I roll my eyes . The both of us grab our things and head to the door or the hotel .

I see Calum and Michael . Ashtion walking from the elevator to us . I say to my self '' thank god he didn't see what happen , well maybe he did . '' '' Well you guys were out there for a while . '' Michael says . '' And why are you wearing Luke's shirt ? '' Michael also says with his eyes wide open . '' Well I could find my shirt and I asked Luke if I can wear it . '' '' Oh . ''

I see someone behind Calum . I try to figure out who it was . The she peaks out from behind him . It's Bethany . '' Hay girl . '' Bethany says to me . I run over to her and give her a hug . '' How are you here ? I missed you so much . '' I say to her . '' well I was in town and Calum asked and here I am and I missed you more . '' We more pull away . '' Not possible . '' I say back .

We all head to the room well mine and Luke's room so we can put our stuff up . Calum and Bethany sit on one bed and the rest of the boys sit on the other . As I was getting my clothes out to wash . Michael asked . '' So how was it ? '' I thought for a minute to know what to say . Before I could say anything . Bethany says '' Stop asking thats their bussiness not yours . She will say it if she wants to .'' I was happy Bethany said that . She is right its not there bussiness . I look over to Luke . He's just watching not fixing his clothes like always . '' I need underwear . '' Luke says out loud . I laugh . '' Then wash them . '' Ashton says . Thats the first thing he said since I been here . '' That's to much work . '' Luke says . '' Fine I'll wash them . '' I grab them before I left the room I asked Bethany '' Do you wanna go with me ? '' '' Yeah sure . '' Bethany got up . '' No Bethany is mine . '' Calum says and pulls her back down . '' Let go Calum I'm serious . '' Bethany says to him but laughing . The both of us go to wash them .

                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

It's just us guys now . I had a smile on my face .  '' I am going to go for a run . '' Ashton says . He leaves . Now its just me and Michael and Calum . '' Ok tell me what happened I know you wanna say it . '' Michael says . '' No I promissed . '' '' last time you promissed you told me . '' '' wait what you never told me anything , I'm heartbroken . '' Calum says sarcasticly . '' Ok I am only going to say one thing .'' '' Ok spill it . '' '' we had sex . '' Both of there mouths drop . '' Man Ashton is going to be mad . '' Calum says . '' I know thats why you can't talk or say anything about this . '' '' Ok we willn't . '' Both of them say . Michael adds . '' Don't worry I never said to anyway like last time .

As we were done talking about Katherine and Bethany came back in . '' Is it if I steal Calum ? '' Bethany asked us . I nodded my head yes . The both of them left . Katherine through my underwear at me . '' What was that for ? '' '' Nothing , nothing at all . '' '' I guess thats my qeu . '' Michael says and leaves . Now its just me and Katherine .

I turn on the music and of course Katherine sings along to it . I sit on the edge of the bed . Katherine comes over to me . Still saying the words . I open my legs more . Katherine put her knees on the bed leaning on me . Both of my hands around her waist and legs . Her looking down at me . She puts her hands through my hair . We both fall  backwards . On my back . With her still on top of me and playing with my hair . '' Do you know your hair is fun to play with ? '' '' no I didn't I hope you enjoy cause this hair needs a wash . '' Katherine rolls over . I get up and go in the shower .

                                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I get the bed all ready and my self . I'm not tired I just want to lay down . I wait for Luke to be down but it's been like twenty minutes . I start to worry . So I get up and go to the door . '' Luke are you ok ? '' I hear him say . '' yeah I'll be out there in a minute . '' I go back to the bed . Just watch TV . Luke finally comes out . Of course he is naked . I don't really care though . He grabes one of his clean underwear and puts it on . '' you tired ? '' Luke asked me . '' No I just want to lay down . ''

Luke dived in the bed . The bed moved . I laughed . Luke go under the covers . I layed on his chest , moving my legs in between his . I kissed his bare skin on his chest . '' what was that for ? '' '' nothing can I kiss you ? '' '' yeah anywhere . '' I just rolled me eyes . '' babe when do you think you will be ready to tell Ashton ? '' I look at him . '' maybe in a few days I don't know . '' '' do you have feelings for him ? '' Luke asked me that I was surprised . '' why would you ask that Lucas ? '' '' because if you didn't you would just tell him . '' '' It's not that easy Lucas . '' Luke gets up as he does he says '' well tell me when you know for sure . '' I started having tears in my eyes . Luke goes to the bathroom .

I quickly get up and go in there . But its locked . '' Lucas let me in I don't love him I love you . '' I hear the door unlock . I walk in seeing him leaning on the wall with tears in his eyes . I run over to him . '' Lucas I love you not him even though at first it was him . But that has changed . You are the one I want to be with . '' '' Why can't you just tell Ashton ? '' '' I will don't worry but first let me talk to Bethany . She is probably wants to ask a billion questions about all this . And yeah I am scared to tell him . I already know he will be mad . I don't want him to hate me . '' '' Trust me he is in love with you he will be mad but he will never hate you . ''  Luke tells me . '' How can you think I still like him yeah I have feeling for him but not like that , he's a friend . '' '' But he was your first . '' '' No he wasn't you are . I almost did it with him and I freaked out and who was the one that helped ? '' '' me . '' ''exactly you are mine and I love you . '' Luke didn't respond he just kissed me . I didn't let him pull away . But then I did pull away . I gave him a hug . I didn't want to let go he gives the best hugs . I knew at some point I did .

We both pull away at the same time . I walk out first . Luke is behind me . '' Is that my shirt you're wearing ? '' I looked behind him . '' yes it is . '' The both of us got back in bed . '' stop stealing my shirts . '' In a kid way . I roll my eyes . '' Never . '' '' well I'm not washing them . '' Luke says . '' fine I will but your shirts are comfortable . '' The both of us cuddled beside each other . And fell asleep .

A/n = Ok I know this is a long chapter but i felt like is had to happen and it wasn't meaning to . That part about Luke getting mad at Katherine wasn't planned I just thought of that right away . So I hope you guys like it . Vote and comment what you think .

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