Chapter 2 : The Studio

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                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up early that morning . Got up and went down stairs . I looked at my phone it said ten thirty . I did not really know where anything was so I just sat there in the living room , in the chair on my phone . It as really boring in til Calum woke up . He asked if I wanted some tea . I said " sure ." By the time I got my tea Ashton woke up . He got breakfast . Mostly after the three of us were up Luke and Michael got up . All of us ate break fast together . I as full after that .

The boys and I started to play video games .  I beet Calum like three times . It was awesome . By the time Michael beet me after the second game Bethany came in the room . I tottaly for got she was here which is bad . Bethany asked for some advil . Calum gave her some . I said " to her I think we should go home if you have a headach . Me and Calum helped her in to the car .

After I made sure she was fine . I was about to get in the car but before I could Ashton gave me his number . I froze there then asked why he was giving it to me . Ashton said " I want to give it to you so we can talk and maybe hang out and do stuff . " I grabbed it out of his hand and drove off to Bethany's house .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I went in side and sat on the coach thinking of her . Michael sat beside me and asked if I liked her which I do . I just froze there like I didn't know what to say so I just said " I did " Michael started laughing . I just got up and went to the kitchen to make me self some tea .

Wright when I got my tea ready the boys wanted to go to the studio to record some music but before I we left I asked if Katherine can come . They all said she can so I texted her if she wanted to come . Katherine texted back sure . I asked the boys if we could come pick her up . So they agreed to do that .

We finally got to her house she came out the door . When Katherine came out the door she looked so pretty in her white skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones T-Shirt with her gray converse . I decided to open the door for her . She said " thank you. " and had a smile on here face . We drove to the studio .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

When we pulled up I was wondering why Ashton asked me to come and listen to there music . So we all got out it was really quite and there was a pool in the back which seemed fun . But I did not bringh my bathin suit . So all the guys got set singing Amnesia . Which it sounded really good .

I kept moving my head to the song even though it as a slow song . Why'll Ashton as singing it he kept looking at me and I tried to not look at them but I couldn't . So I just decided to close my eyes so I dont . They were almost done with the song . I smiled . When they were done I got up and said " good job . That was really good and its the actual real time I have ever heard your music without for someone sreaming the words . Calum asked who it was . I said " Bethany . "

Calum said " oh ." and laughed but had a smile on his face . I asked them what are we going to do after this . Luke said " maybe go to the pool but we have to go get our bathin suits . " I smiled and said " since you guys are getting yours can we go get mine . "  Ashton said " sure where first ." Michael said " Katherine . "

When we got to my house I said " you guys can come in if you want . " Ashton was the first one out of the car when I said that . All of them came in with me . I said " you guys can just wait here in till I get ready . " So I went up stairs I decided to where my black bathin suits with skulls on it . After I put it on I grabbed the sun screen and went down stairs . Every one looked at me well mostly Ashton when I came down . Which is really weird because no one notice me well my friend Crash but thats a different story . I asked them if they were ready go . 

We lefted and went to there house they got there bathin suits but decided to change at the studio . When we got to the studio I went strait out back put on sun screen and jumped in the pool . By the time I got in Ashton asked if I can put sun screen on him . I agreed to do that to be nice . I put it on his back and chest and face . H put it on his legs . We just stared at each other . Ashton was about to kiss me in till Luke came out . After they all came out all of us went to the pool .

We played some games in till it was getting dark and I was tired . They boys weren't of course they weren't . So I decided to lay in the laugne thing . didn't really know what its called . Net thing I know I was asleep . But I woke up from someone carrying me . I opened up my minds it was Ashton . I felt his warm harry body next to mine . I looked where we were going . It showed my house . We were in my room . I asked why he was carrying me . He said " I am not going to leave you sitting out there . " I said " thanks today was fun . " He gave me a kiss on forehead . Then I went back to sleep and he left .

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