Chapter 13 : Bond

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                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I get waken up by someone . I can't really tell who it is . I open my eyes slowly . I see Ashton saying it was time to pack and go back to the U.S. I got up . Changed my clothes . Grabbed my bags . Before we went to the door . Ashton's mom and Harry and Lauren . We all give each other a hug .

Ashton's mom takes us to the Airport . I still don't know anything about Austrailia . Maybe next time me and Ashton can go . We got to the airport when we got there . We saw Luke Michael and Calum . They started running toward us . Once they did they jumped and gave us a huge hug . They were leaning on me . I almost fell to the ground . But Luke caught me . It was nice of him .

We went on the plain . All of us sat in the same spots we did but Luke sat by himself  . I was tired so I decided to go to sleep . Probably because Ashton woke me up early . The thing is I couldn't go to sleep . I kept tossing my self to each side of the chair . Ashton asked if I was ok . '' just tired trying to go to sleep . But I can't . '' I said The lady came by to check if every thing was ok . I said '' yeah . '' Then the lady said '' do you know you can change the chairs around to face behind you if you want . Luke screamed yes . I started laughing .

We all did that . Luke asked me and Ashton if we were ok . I think he was talking about the fight we had . I said '' it's good you don't have to worry about us doing that for a long time . '' I turned my face towards Ashton and kissed him . Luke just starred us .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I felt really akward kissing in front of Luke . But at the same time I didn't care at . After that I asked Luke about his visit back home . Luke said '' it was good a fun . I really missed them . '' I saw Katherine smile . I turned back and Calum and Michael were asleep in the chair . I laughed . Then Luke and Katherine looked .

Luke asked us how was our visit . Before I could answer Katherine said '' perfect . '' and smiled . Luke asked what kind of perfect . He made his eyebrows go up and down . Katherine and I laughed . I said '' nothing happened like that . Man you have a dirty mind . ''

 Katherine nodded her head yes .

                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I decided to put my feet on the chair across from me , beside Luke to rest my feet . '' what about laying them on me now I'm sad '' Ashton said . He was fake crying . I knew he was by the way it sounded . It sounds different then when he really cries . Well haven't heard him actually cry before . All I knew is he was playing around . I shoke his arm and saying '' stop it . '' but laughing at the same time .  Luke just grabbed my feet and put them on his lap . I almost pulled them away . But he pulled them back .

I kept kicking and kicking trying get him to let go . When he finally let go I was on the floor . I got up '' man you guys push me a lot . '' Luke laughed . I asked him what was so funny . He shruged his shoulders . Ashton asked when I fell . I said '' in the airport . Luke helped me up . ''

By the time we were down talking it was time for the plain to land . When it did we had to wake up Calum and Michael . It was funny the way the both woke up . All of us headed out of the plain . We got our things . We came to a different airport then we came . There was like three stories . So we had to go in elavators . They were small . Michael asked how we were going to fit . Ashton said '' two people go in one and three people go in the other . '' Calum said '' good idea lets play rock paper sissors to see who goes with which one . ''

We each played each other three times . It was who had the lowest and the higest of votes and it was me and Luke . I wish it was Ashton . I had the highest and he had the lowest . We went in the elevator it was so akward at first . Then I said '' Luke do you know you are really akward ? '' Luke just looked at me and said '' not ah . '' I laughed the way he said it . He asked me what esactly happened between you and Ashton when we were all gone . I just stared at him . All of the sudden the elevator stopped . We both freaked out . I grabbed my phone and called Ashton I told him .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

When Katherine told me that I wanted to just go save her . After I got out of the elevator I ran to the officer and told him about what happened to Katherine . The officer got his walky talky and told the other officers . He started to walk to where the elevater is . Me and Michael and Calum followed him . The rest of the officers came .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

It was getting really hot in the elevator I felt like I was going to pass out . If Luke wasn't here I would rip something or to be cool but I couldn't . Luke was beside me . He stode up lifting up his shirt . I got up really quickly and asked what he was doing . '' Its super hot in here I couldn't take it anymore . '' I kept looking other places then him . '' I am suprised you haven't took anyting off . You have more layers then me . '' he said to me . I didn't no what to say of that so I didn't .

My feet were tired of standing so I sat back down . My eyes started to close . I felt falling . I leaned but falling on Lukes shoulder . All of the sudden I hear someone open the door . I couldn't see anything . There was a lot of smoke when the guy was opening the door .  I felt someone left me and started walking in clean air . It was cool .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I just wanted to go get her and make sure she was ok . It hurt when I saw Luke carrying her out the elevator then me . He layed her on the table . The doctor check her breathing and to make sure was ok . I saw her slowly open her eyes . I went strait toards her . She got up . Katherine looked really happy to see me . She jumped up on me and huged me . I huged her back . '' thank god you are alright . '' I said to her . She had her arms around me and kissed me . I kissed her back .

Michael and Calum said '' save it for the room . '' I said '' oh don't worry I will hahaha . '' I didn't really want her to walk so I carried her to the car . With her legs around me . We headed to the car . All of us headed home . Katherine didn't want to get down . So I did hold her for a few minutes . The next thing I know . I looked like she was asleep . I went up stairs . Tocked her in and got my self ready for bed .

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