Chapter 56 : Names

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                                                                             Katherine's P.O.V.

All the guys were still sleeping . I couldn't really get any sleep all I could think of is the baby . Like the names I don't know what I'm suppose to do with that all . I'm new at all this . I didn't really have a mom and I want the baby to have a mother in it's life . I have to do this for her or him . I can't let it down . What if I make a mistake what am I suppose to do if I do . I hope it doesn't hate me . If it's a daddy's girl or boy then I would be happy he or she has him . I can tell he was going a good father . I got up and walked slowly walked in the middle of the bunks . Holding on to the bunks trying not to fall when the bus moves .

It's weird I should be used to walking on the bus as it moves . But maybe it's because I'm pregnant . I almost fell . '' Shit . '' As I kind of get up from falling but not falling at the same . Luke pulled the curtain and looked at me . '' Hay how long have you been up ? '' Luke ask me . '' Maybe like an hour or so I have been trying to think of a name of the baby but I can't think of any . ''

'' You could of woken me up . '' Luke says . '' No you guys need it you guys have a show tonight . '' I move out of the way so he can get out . I smile . He leans down and puts his on my cheeks and kissed me . I backed up on the wall where it was a bar of wood thats in the middle of the bunks . I didn't want to stop at the moment . I miss this . '' Get a room well this is a room but not the right room to make out in . '' Calum says as he has his head out of the bunk . I grabed Luke's penguin from his bunk and throw it at Calum . '' What was that for ? '' Calum asked as he throws the penguin back at me . '' You being you thats why . '' I say walking past him to the from part of the bus . I grabed my note pad that I wrote names down . It was blank because I couldn't think of any hopefully the boys could think of some that I like .

'' What's that ? '' Luke ask . He sits beside me . '' Its the list of names of the baby . '' I tell him . '' But it's blank . '' Luke says . '' I know thats why I need you guys to help . '' I say . '' What do you need help with . '' Ashton asks while yawning . '' baby names could you guys help ? '' I look at Luke and Calum and Ashton and Michael . The rest of the guys besides Luke sits across from me .

'' How about Michael for a boy ? '' Michael ask . '' No I am not going to name my baby after you and what if it's a girl ? '' '' You are so mean and name it Mitchelle then . '' '' Maybe . '' I tell him just to make him happy . I wrote them down even though I knew I'm not going to use them . '' Umm Rydel for a girl and Clark for a boy . '' Calum says . '' Those names are pretty . '' I tell him '' What mine are better . '' Michael says in a jealous way . I just start laughing . I look over to Luke . He's just looking down . 

'' Are you ok ? '' I ask him . '' Yeah I'm just thinking . '' He says '' Maybe Louis for a boy and Samantha for a girl . '' Ashton says . '' Maybe . '' All these names are really good . It's going to be hard for me and Luke to chose . '' What about you Luke ? '' We all look at him as he looks up at us . '' I can't really think of a boy name but I thought of girl name and it's Elena . '' Luke says . I love that name . I'm wondering why I didn't think of that . But I would have to think of the other names first .

'' I love that name . '' I say louder then I thought I did . Everyone looked . I was only saying that to Luke . '' So do you know the name ? '' Michael asked looking deperate . '' I would have to think about it and talk to Luke about it . '' I tell him . '' Oh well we have to get dressed and ready for our show tonight so we gotta go . '' Ashton says .

'' Are you going to come to the show or stay in like you did last time ? '' Luke asked me . '' Does it look like I'm going to a concert . '' '' Oh I'm going to miss you while I'm on stage . '' Luke says to me . I roll my eyes . Luke leans down and kisses me . '' You gotta a lot to think about . '' Luke says . I gave him a confused look . '' The baby names . '' '' Do you mean we do ? '' I ask him . '' It's your baby . '' Luke says . That got me scared for a second the way he said it . '' It's not mine it's ours so we can talk later about baby names . '' I say . '' Come on Luke . '' Ashton calls Luke to go where the rest of the guys are .

I sit there and stare at the list . I love all the names well beside Mitchelle and Michael . I don't really want to name a baby after them well my first . The guys are about to leave for there concert . I wish them Luck . As I was think of the name I realized that I can use two names for middle name too . As I thought of a good name I got a text . '' Name's don't sound good maybe ben for boy and Mia for a girl . '' It was from and unknown number . It's starting to freak me out . I can't let it scare me I just gotta ignore it .

A/N= Hi guys I hope you like it . What names do you think Katherine will chose . Tough chose . Do you think the text messages will stop ? Remember this story is almost ending . 13 chapters left . Getting close . I probably willn't make my new story intill I am in the middle of my sequel I don't know yet . But the sequel might be a few days after this story . I don't yet I'm still deciding on all of this . Vote and Comment what you think .

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