Chapter 12 : Family

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                                                                   Katherine's P.O.V.

I was supprised that Ashton's mom huged me . But I haven't had a mom hug like that in ages . It's different when its Ashton . I huged her back . The look on Ashton's face was really funny . He looked happy that I got a hug . We all went to the car .

Ashton's mom asked me about my life . I just looked up at her not really knowing what to say because it's a lot of sad things . Ashton said '' mom really . '' with an annoyed face . I said '' it was ok . '' '' well my life sucks in til I meet your son . '' I grabbed Ashton's hands '' my dad left me when I was five . My mom is a drug addict . All she cared is about money now . I dropped out of school when I was fifteen . '' Ashton's mom had a few tears falling down her face . I said '' sorry . '' The both of them looked at me . I said '' what i just said that because she had tears going down her face . Yeah my life sucks so . ''

We pulled into Ashton's drive way . I got out grabbed one of my bags . Walked to the door holding Ashton's hand . I looked at him before we went inside . When I went inside I saw a boy and a girl . Ashton told me before he had a little brother and a little brother . I just didn't know there names .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I introduced Katherine to Harry and Lauren . For a second I noticed my brother bluffing . I just watched him . They both gave her a hug . I asked  Katherine if she wanted anything to eat . She nodded her head no . So I just grabbed broccoli . And went to go sit on the couch with every one else . I whispered in Harry's ear and asked if he liked Katherine . He frozze there for a sec . Then nodded his head yes . I smiled at him . I thought it was cute that he did . I kept looking over at Katherine . I could tell she was looking at me but when I look she doesn't .

She leaned over laying her head in my lap . I laughed . Then she looked up at the ceiling still laying on my lap . I asked her what . All she said was '' nothing nothing at all . '' I leaned down about to kiss her , my lips a inch away . '' I'm not kissing you infront of them . '' I made a pouty face . She laughed .

We all mostly just watched TV in till my mom came in and said '' picture time . '' We all stode up . She wanted mostly pictues of me and Katherine . The first one was outside by the pool . Katherine said '' you didn't tell me you had a pool . '' I said '' I didn't think about it . '' The first picture was us kissing . Then the next was her on my back . And much more . Harry came out to take pictures with us I had him hug Katherine for a picture . And one where she kisses him on the cheek just for fun .

After the pictures Katherine asked if we could go in the pool . I asked her if she brought hers with her . She said no . My mom asked me if I could get one of my shirts she could wear . I went up stairs to my old room to grab her a shirt to wear . When I turned around she was right there looking around . I jumped . Katherine started to laugh . I gave her the shirt . She started to take off her clothes to put my shirt on but she had her undergarments on though .  

                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

After I took off my clothes to put  the shirt on . I think he thought he could take of his . I didn't really mind it . Man he looked hot shirt less . I was just watching him . He looked at me and asked if I like what I see . I laughed and said '' yes . '' I just walked over to him right after he took of his pants . I kissed him . He kissed me back . My hands went down his chest . His hands went on my waist . All the sudden Ashton's mom came in to tell us they are ready . I just had to put sun screan on . Ashton asked me if I could put some on him . I agreed to do that . I rubbed it on his chest . Then carefully on his face .

The both of us headed to the pool . We were at the edge of deep end of the pool . Harry decides to push us in . Me and Ashton fall in . The four of us just play a fews games with each other . Then it started to get dark Lauren and Harry go inside . Its just me and Ashton . We are across from each other . Ashton gets closer to me . He lifts me . I put my legs around Ashton . He puts his hands around my waist . Right in the moment . Harry comes out and says dinners ready .

Ashton and I get out and dry off . It smelt like spagetti . I was happy . The four of us eat together at the table . Lauren said '' I am happy you guys are together , you guys seem happy together . '' I said '' thank you . '' and so did Ashton . After we were done I asked if I could take a shower . Ashton's mom showed me where it was . I took a shower . Came out . It looked like Lauren and Harry were already asleep . I asked where I was going to sleep . Ashton said '' my room and I am sleeping out here . '' I looked at him and was like '' do we have to go through this again . '' I didn't want a big deal out of it so I didn't . I just went up stairs and went to bed .

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