Chapter 9 : Can't

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I woke up with and realized me and Ashton fell asleep watching Vampire Diaries . I did not want to wake him up . So I slowly got up and changed . But fast at changing trying not to make noise . After I was done changing I got the Vampire Diaries CD and put it back in its container .

I was done with that and Ashton woke up . I smiled looking down at him . He smiled back . Ashton got up and changed right in front of me . I tried to look away but he kepted getting my to look . After he changed we went down stairs . The both of us sat on the coach . I was kind of sitting on his lap . We kept looking at each other .

He decides to start tickling me . All I could do is laugh . I moved to where he couldn't tickle me but he kept getting closer . I almost fell of the coach but he cought me . Me laying strait on the coach with him on top of me . Our nosies and forehead were touching . We almost kiss but then we here some one say safe it for the room . I looked and it was Michael like always  . Ashton and I both got up . I said to Michael '' do you know that you are always stoping us from kissing or when we are in the middle of it . '' Michael smirked .

The rest of the boys came in . Luke turned on the TV . The news was on . A minute later it said '' Crash . '' I looked up right away at the TV . I new that Ashton was looking at me . The news lady said that why Crash was in jail and where he was . I jumped up right away and grabbed my phone and my keys . Then went strait to the door . Ashton stopped me before I opened the door . He looked at me and asked where I was going .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I already know where she was going but I asked any way . She looked at me then Michael , then Luke , then Calum . They were all standing up . '' Going to see Crash do you guys wanna come . '' I was suprised when she asked if we can all come .

So we all left to go to the prison . When all of us were in the car I asked why she wanted us to come to . '' He thinks we are together or something and I want to tell him face to face that we are not . Thats all . '' All I did is smile . I ment a good thing about us then . I just kept driving there .

When we got there I looked at everyone else . They were all geting out of the car . I got out after everyone did . We were walking to the door . I grabbed her hand . She looked at me when I did . We all went in . It was really quite in the waiting room . Me and Katherine walked up to the counter together . Luke , Michael and Calum sat down . Katherine asked if she could see Crash . The lady at the counter said '' yeah it will bea few minutes . '' Me and Katherine nodded our head . The both of us went to sit down beside the boys . I put my arm around Katherine . She her head on my chest .

A few minutes later the lady called Katherine up to see Crash . She got up and pulled my hand to follow . The rest of us did follow her . There was a door with a window . It showed Crash . He was just sitting there looking down at the table . I asked the officer if he could see us . The officer nodded his head no . Katherine said '' stay here . ''

                                                               Katherine's P.O.V.

I went in the room where Crash was . He looked at me and smiled . I didn't smile back . I sat down across from him . He asked what was wrong . I put my hands on the table and closed my eyes . Planning things in my head of what I should and shouldn't say . I opened my eyes . I looked strait in his eyes . He put his hands on mine . It felt weird . So I pulled them back and puting them in my lap . The said '' Crash I don't love you . You are always there for me and now you probably need me the most but I can't I am so sorry . '' I started to have tears running down my face . Crash asked what I ment be I can't ? '' Ashton . '' Crash stode up and said '' that dick stealing my girl . '' It kind of annoyed me that he said my girl . '' I am not your girl and when it was just me and you I know you never felt they way I did about you at all . So why did just say my girl . '' I started to walk back wards to the door . He looked like he was getting really mad so I just ran out the door . And slamed it . I slide down the door with tears rolling down my face . All of 5SOS came sitting on the floor asking if I was ok and what did he say . I screamed out no .

They all gave me a group hug . It felt so warm with them all around me . I started laughing then it turned in to crying . I was really tired of crying so I just stopped . Got up and whiped my tears . All of us just left the prison . And went home . The whole time they we were home Ashton kept asking if I was ok or did he say anything rude .  I got really annoyed of him asking . So I just said '' I said I told that I didn't feel the same way . Then he asked who . I said you . Then he called you a dick and me being his girl and I got annoyed by the so I told him my old feelings have changed and everything I felt . Ok .'' Then took a deep breath . Ashton just kissed me after that . I kissed him back . We just hung out with all of them .

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