Chapter 14 : Going Or Not

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                                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I got up looked around . And forgot that Ashton brought me back home . I was really sad this is like the last day I will see Ashton or kiss him or any thing with him . I looked beside me and he was not there . I grabbed my phone to look at the time . It was one pm . I jumped out of bed . And ran down stairs . All of them were playing video games . I just stayed where I was looking down at them .

Ashton looked up at me . '' good mor- afternoon I mean .You slept for a while . I had to keep checking on you to make sure you were breathing . '' I walked down stairs leaned down on the side of the couch and kissed Ashton . '' like I keep saying save it for the room . '' Michael said . I grabbed a pillow and through it at his head . '' that hurt . '' Michael said . '' no it didn't you wish it did . '' I said . Michael rolled his eyes .

Ashton pulled my off the edge to his lap . I looked back at him and smiled . I leaned back on one side of him . The side that was facing the side of him . He pulled the hair to the other side to make all my hair go on one side . He started to kiss my neck . I squeezed his hand because it tickled . Luke kepted staring at us . But when I looked at him he looked away . I asked Ashton if Luke is ok . Ashton didn't know .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

Man I want to ask her right now but I am scared to . What if she says no . I should just do it and not make a big deal about it . But it is a big deal though . I asked her if she can go in another room to talk . She looked a lot scared of why I wanted her to come in the room with me . Last I asked her that I wanted us to break up but that was a mistake to tell her what I told her . Katherine was walking really slow with a confused look on her face . I said '' it's nothing bad I promiss . ''

I grabbed her had a gradually got her to come in the room with me . I said '' you know that the tour is in a couple days right well I want you to go with me for it all . '' She kepted looking everywhere probably wondering what to say . I thought she would be happy . Not how she is now . She looks behind me and laughs . I look and I see Michael Luke and Calum making pouty faces and mouthing please . It was that funny that I had to laugh .

All Katherine said was '' let me think about it . '' That hurt when she said that .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I was supprised that he asked me to come with them I couldn't believe it . At first I was going to say yes . Then I thought it might not be a good idea . I asked if the rest of them can leave so it can be me and Ashton . I went close to him and put my arms around his neck . '' I was going to say yes . '' Before he coud speck I started to say what I was thinking . '' What if we get in a fight ? What if something goes wrong ? What if I get hurt or sick ? What if we break up ? ''

'' we will get there when we get there and if something happens then we will deal with then . Right now is now and I want some one that I love to be with me and that is you . '' he said . I was so happy that he said he loved me because I love him . I still didn't know what to do .

I let go of him and went down stairs . I asked the rest of them if I should go . Luke put his arm around me . I felt so weird having his arm . I just looked at him . Luke biting on his lip ring with his blue eyes staring at me .

'' I think we need you to help us with our clothes or just us . Trust me we all need you . And you need us .  '' Luke said .  I smiled I looked at Michael and Calum . They nodded there head yes . I started to have tears falling down my face . Smiling . That helped a little . It felt good to here that not just one person cares about me then Ashton . I looked back at him . The door was cracked open . He was just sitting on the bed . Playing with his fingers . It looked like he has tears to .

                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I hope she says yes . I will keep missing her if she doesn't . I willn't be as happy as when I am with her . I looked up and . I could see them down stairs . Luke's arm around her . Her arms moving tto her face . It looked like she was whiping tears . I looked back down . Then up again . Looking at Luke's arm . I ran down and went right beside Katherine . Kind of pulling her away from Luke . His arm fell off her shoulder . As my hand went to her face and having her lay her head on my shoulder .

'' I think I know what I am going to do . '' We all look at her . I was crossing my fingers that she would say yes . '' I'm . . .

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