Chapter 31 : Car Talk

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                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

As we head out of the building it started to rain . I mean pouring . I didn't even realize in til it me and Luke were outside . The both of us looked around to find where we could go so no rain falls on us . We finally see a spot . But by the time we get there . We are both soaked . Good thing I was wearing black . So you can't see through my shirt . But Luke on the other hand . He has a white shirt on . You can see his chest through his shirt .

 '' I have a shirt in the car you can put it on .'' '' what about you ? '' I ask him . Luke just shrugged his shoulders . '' I'm going to get the car . '' Luke told me . '' no I am going with you . '' I told him . We both run to the car together trying to not get more wet then we already are . I go in the car . Luke shuts the door . But before he does I ask him why isn't he going to come in . '' you need to change . '' '' no I am not letting you stand out here in the cold and wet and I can't find the shirt anyway . '' Luke just rolled his eyes and cam in . I smiled . He went to lean over by the passenger seat in the box and got the shirt . It was the black You Complete Me shirt . Luke gave me the shirt . I took off my wet one and changed . Luke kept looking at me . After I was done Luke said to me '' you look good in my shirt . '' I laughed and said '' thanks . ''

'' are you just going to be in wet clothes for the rest of the night or something ? '' I ask Luke . '' I don't know . ''  I started feeling uncomfortable in wet pants . So I stode up as mush as I could in the car . And slide down my pants . As I was downing that I saw a blanket . After I was done taking them off I grabbed the blanket and raped it around me .

As I sat back down Luke was just looking at me . I looked at him . '' I can tell this is our thing now . '' '' what is ? '' I ask him . '' taking off our pants . '' I just laugh . '' maybe it is maybe it isn't . '' I tell him . '' since your changing and  I'm sitting in wet clothes that is really uncomfortable I am going to change . '' Luke tells me . I just make a weird look . Luke slowly takes his shirt off . I just lay back in the seat . '' I remember when I first met you . '' I look back  at Luke and smile when he says that . '' you were only going to stay over because of Bethany and I said to you- '' We both say it at the same time . '' Ashton has cuties . '' We both laugh . Then I just think of Ashton . '' jinks . '' Luke says to me . ''  oh man . What do I owe you ? '' I ask him  '' this . '' he tells me . I just look at him . Luke leans over and kisses me . After he pulls away . I lean over to him and kiss him back . I don't think about anything else besides this moment . He starts to go back leaning on the door and the seat . I put my hands on his cheeks . His hands around my waist and slowly down my thigh .

All of a sudden I fall on my back to the seat . With Luke on top of me . Still kissing . We sit up . My hands slowly go down his chest . It starts to get deep . Luke's lips start to go down my neck . I open my eyes . As I do I see a guy in a black jacket and of course looking at me . It's the same guy as I saw the past few times . Well I don't know if it's a guy or girl . I can't see the persons face . Everytime I just ignore him . Which is sometimes a bad idea . Who knows why that person keeps watching me or what will happen if I ever see that person . I just close my eyes . Luke still kissing me . Me still kissing him . I kind of don't want it to go farther then it did . I pull away . '' so that just happened . '' I tell him . '' yeah it did but it is worth it . '' I don't say anything I just take a deep breath .'' are you ok did you want that to happen . '' '' I did want that to happen but nothing farther then it well I don't know . When we get home or ever don't tell anyone about what we did ok . '' '' ok fine I willn't . '' '' good . ''

                                                        Luke's P.O.V.

I could tell after what happened she didn't want me or have her tell anyone about this in till she knew what she wanted . I just lean over by her and kiss her cheek and when I do she has a smile on her face . '' I know this might sound weird but can we stay the night here and go back tomorrow or something if we go now there will be drama . '' Katherine ask me . '' yeah sure but when ever we go back the drama will still be there . '' I tell her . Katherine had a pouty face on . Not going to lie but it was cute . I grab my phone and take a picture of her . '' how are we going to sleep ? '' Katherine ask me . '' in my arms of course . '' Katherine just rolls her eyes . '' I can't not with those wet pants . '' I looked down at my pants . I just took my shoes and pants off . Katherine was just laughing at me . I asked her what was so funny . '' nothing nothing nothing at all . '' '' it sure is something . '' '' before we get all comfortable can we drive somewhere people don't see us or think we are crazy sleeping in a car or something . '' '' yeah sure . '' I crawl to the front seat . And drive to a park . When we get there I go back to the back seat . The blanket that Katherine had I grabbed it and put it around us . I lay on the seat . Katherine beside me . But I'm on the outside on the edge . I rather fall then her . We fell asleep . It is still raining outside . Which makes me sleeper .

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