Chapter 17 : Album

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                                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and see Ashton on his phone . It looks like he was tweeting the fans . I read that the album is coming out today . I was happy it is so I can finally hear it . The boys have been talking about it for weeks . Ashton hasn't noticed I woke up . His back was facing me . He had no shirt on . I leaned over and started kissing up his back . I knew it would scare him thats why I did it . He startled . I laughed and asked him if he was ok . '' yeah I'm fine you just scared me . '' as he gently kissed me .

After he stode up I looked up at him laying in bed . '' we have to take a shower because we are going to target to go get the album .  '' As I got up Ashton put his hands around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder saying I love you . I kind of looked at him and I said '' love you too . ''

As I went in the bathroom to take a shower . The both of us hear a knock on the door . Ashton opened it . It was Luke asking if he could use the shower . Ashton said '' no . '' I just listened . Luke asked why not . Ashton said '' cause you make a huge mess in the shower and you use up all the cold . '' I said '' you do . '' Ashton said '' yes he does . '' Before Luke could say a word .  I just laughed . Luke lefted and went back to his room .

I just began my shower . In the middle of it I felt someone stare at me . So I turn around and I see Ashton all wet with his hair in his eyes . He comes close to me . I am right under where the water hits . I don't move .

                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

I just look at her . She has a beautiful body . I come close . Pull her close . With the water still hiting us . I gently kiss her with me wet lips . We both close our eyes . As it starts to get deep she pulls away from me . I look at her with a confused face . '' we can't especially not in the shower and don't we have to go . '' She was right about both . We do have to get ready and go . It's true not to go fast on our relation ship . I just waited for my turn to wash my hair . She was fast .

After her I took one . I tried to rush so we don't be late . When I got out . Every one was in the room . The boys were watching TV and Katherine was fixing her hair . I saw that Luke kepted looking at her and she was looking at him through the mirior . I asked when they came in . Katherine said  '' when you were in the shower . '' '' I know but were you dressed . '' Katherine just looked at me about to say something . Then Luke said '' she was . '' I took a deep breath .

All of us headed to target . It was packed . It looked lke fans were there to get the album . When we all got out I grabbed Katherine's hand and walked in . We went were our album was . All of a sudden tons and tons of fans came to see us and take pictures . After I took a few with fans I couldn't find Katherine . I looked all around me . All I could see was fans and the boys .

                                                                Katherin's P.O.V.

When all the fans came I felt squishesd . I didn't know where I was going . The fans were pushing me away from Ashton . I could tell why . They love him . But so do  I . I understand they wanted pictures . But they shouldn't have pushed me . That's one thing that I was scared of being in a realationship with him .

I looked around to see where I was in the store . I was in the baby section . It made me think of if me and Ashton had a . . . . I turn around and see Luke standing there . I ran to him and gave him a hug . He huged me back . Luke looked down at me as he head on his chest huging him . And asked what was that for . I told him for finding me I lost Ashton .

I asked him if he could take me back to the hotel . '' I can't we only came in one car . '' I said '' you can take me then come back here . '' Luke agreed to do that . So we headed to the car . As Luke began to drive he looked over and asked if I was ok . I was kind of down . I don't really no why . I said '' just focus on the road not me . '' In kind of a mean way . I didn't mean to though . He pulled over and said '' no tell me . '' I just rolled my eyes . '' I am not saying anything about the fans its just they pushed me away like I was a piece of trash . '' '' you are not even close to trash . '' '' thanks I know that they love you guys all . I do too . ''

Luke grabbed my hands . I looked at our hands together . Then looked up at him . His blue eyes looking at me . I smiled at him . '' when I was in the baby section . I felt weird like well I don't really know what I felt . I just felt . '' I told Luke . I parted our hands . And Luke began driving to the hotel .

We got there and went up our room well my room . Before Luke left . I said '' thanks for talking to me . '' Luke said '' you are welcome . '' In stead of Luke leaving he sits by me on the bed . He asked if there was anything that could make me chear up . I said '' Ashton . '' Luke made a sad face . '' I will go get him for you . '' he said . In a sad way .

                                                       Ashton's P.O.V.

We were still taking pictures with the fans . I am still wondering where Katherine is . They all start to leave . One fan asked where Luke was . I was wondering the same thing . Since alot of fans have left . I could see where everything is . I couldn't see Luke or Katherine . All of a sudden I see Luke come from the door . I ask him if he has seen Katherine and where has a been . Luke says '' I have seen Katherine she was with me . '' I don't why its hurting that he is saying that . But it is . I ask why . '' I think we should go and you can talk to her about it then . '' Luke said to me . I thought it was serious so I rushed Calum and Michael out so we can pay for our things and leave .

We finally get to the hotel . I rush in side to my room . When I open the door she is changing . It scared her . I stop her why she is in the middle of changing and kiss her . she kisses me back but more . We reach the bed and she stops and starts to cry . I hold her cheeks and asked if she is ok . '' you just left me and Luke is the one that saved me from it not you and I wish it was you . '' My heart cracked when she said that . I just held her in my arms . '' I love you always and forever . ''

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