Chapter 26 : Jump

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                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

I wake up from someone's arms . I look and they are Luke's . I asked him if I fell asleep . He said I did . I looked around . The first thng that popped in my head was what happened between me and Ashton . I started to panic . I still had the blanket around me . I got up out of Luke's arms and sat at the edge of the bed . Started talking under me breath . Asking my self did I seriously do that ? Did Ashton do that do me or was it all in my mind ?

Luke crawled over to where I was sitting . He put his arm around me . Asking if I was ok . I nodded my head no . I wanted to say something but I didn't . I just sat there . Luke's arm around me . Him looking at me . I looked over at him and asked what was he looking at . All of a sudden he smiles at me . '' do you remember when I told you what happened when I was younger ? '' '' yeah . '' '' well do you think he really did what I felt or is it just my mind playing tricks on me . ''

'' what do you mean of what he did ? '' '' well you know when we were . . . well his hands were around my waist and then out of no where it felt like he was squeezing me and I couldn't breath . '' '' maybe he did or didn't I don't really did but from what I can tell he didn't it was just your mind . ''

'' thank god you think that because I don't really know what to think it just keeps replaying in my head of when I was little . '' I told him .

                                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I just sat in the room with Michael and Calum . I wanted to go see Katherine but I know how she is . She wouldn't just come to me . I just got up about to open the door to go see her but Luke walked in wanting me to see Katherine .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

Luke looked at the door and said '' hold on I will be back . '' I got up at the same time he did . I was scared of what he is going to do .

I see curly brown hair from the corner . I realize it was Ashton . I start to back up . Towards the window . Ashton was just looking at me with his worried face . I still had that blanket around me . And I really want to change . Ashton started to walk forwards me . I wanted to just hug him and be with him like I really wanted to but I just couldn't it wasn't just that easy to do that .

'' you guys need to talk to each other I don't like to see you guys like this . '' Luke told us . '' really Luke . '' I told him '' thanks Luke . '' Ashton told him . I just looked at him wanting to say something but I really don't know what to say . I asked him if he could turn around so I can change .

He did . I grabbed my clothes and changed . But when I was in the middle of changing . I hear him say '' beautiful . '' I smile . When I look at him he is looking at me . '' theres the smile I know . '' I laugh . After I get dressed . The both of us sit on the bed . I am still quiet . But just looking in to his green eyes .  My hands are right beside his . I look down at them . Ashton's hands grabb my hands and put them in his knee . '' well I ran out because when I was younger things happened to me like rape . And memories started coming back . It felt like you were hurting me . I know you will never do that but I couldn't take it . '' As I stode up he stode up . I went over to the window . Ashton grabbed my hands and held them over his chest where his heart is . '' I will never hurt you . '' I smiled when he said that . But I know he will never because he is him . 

Ashton asked me what made me forget the memories in till now . I just thought for a minute . Remembered I had therapy . '' therapy . '' Ashton went for a hug . I pulled away turning the other way around . '' Ashton it's not just going to go back to normal . ''

                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I knew that it wouldn't get normal already . I had to think of what would make her ok . Katherine did say therapy so maybe that can work . I hope it does . She's not the same with those thoughts going through her head . '' please get Luke . '' She told me . I could hear her crying . I didn't want to start anything else so I went to go get Luke . I wish I was the one to help her not Luke . But it has to be what it is . I walk in . They are all playing video games . '' Luke she needs you . '' I tell him .  He gets up and walks to her . But before he does he ask how did everything go . '' alright . '' '' oh , well maybe there is another solution to all this . '' I just went to the bathroom I was to upset and mad of what happened . I pulled my phone out and looked for local therapist . I finally found someone . I made an appoment for tomorrow at three o'clock .  I decided to take a hot shower .

                                                                Katherine's P.O.V.

I was happy that Luke came back . I wanted to be with Ashton more right now . But I just can't go to him . I decided to go to sleep because it was getting late . Luke just stode there . I crawled in bed . He lade on the bed but on top of the blanket .

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