Chapter 10 : Feelings

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                                                                        Ashton's P.O.V.

Sitting there with her felt so good . But that hurt the way she told me what she told to Crash . Like she was annoyed or something . She was just laying on my side on her phone watching tv . Not even saying a thing to me . It looked like she was made at . So I just sat there and thought of me and her . '' It seems like everytime a good thing happens between us a bad thing happens next . Its like the world doesn't want us together . '' I thought to my self .

I decided to get up and talk to Katherine about it . Katherine got up slowly . I started to have tears coming down my face thinking about it . I love her to dealth but every time we are happy bad things happen next or people change .

The both of us walked up stairs in to my room . I sat on the bed beside her . I didn't know what to say to her or how to say it . She asked if every thig was ok . I just nodded my head .

'' I love you to dealth I will do anything for you but everytime we are together and something good happens between us something bad will happen . I don't feel like having that happen . You can stay here but not be with me we can just be friends . '' I told her . '' what the hell ! '' she said to me . I didn't know how to respond . She started talking '' I am in love with you and you say this I finnally found the best thing that happened to me and it's you but then you do this . ''

I started to open the door but she pulled my arm . We just looked in each others eyes .

                                                        Katherine's P.O.V.

That hurt so much when he said that to me . But I should get used to these things happening my life they always happen . So I don't know why I am acting like this but I do love him . He's like my everything . I started to have tears falling down my face . I didn't know what to do next so I just let go and started to cry . He left . I was in the middle of the door way when Michael and Luke amd Calum were looking at us . Ashton walked out of the door .

They all came running to me . They asked what happened . I said '' Ashton said everything bad happens to us and he can't have that happen . '' I am supprised if they could understand me because I was crying when I said that . Michael just put me in his arms . I said '' help . '' They all looked . Michael and Luke stayed here with me and Calum went to go talk to Ashton .

                                                Ashton's P.O.V.

I didn't really know where to go so I sat on the bench in the front yard on the porch . Calum came out . I was suprised he came .  He said '' why would you say that to Katherine I thought you loved . '' '' I do but I don't really know now . '' '' well she is not taking it that well and it really seems like when she is with you she seems the happiest . And you know she has been through a lot in her life so if I were you I would go in there and get her . '' He left .

                                                                Later That Day

Katherine left for a little bit I thought it was a good idea . It was kind of damp out side . Me and the boys were at the market . I looked through the window and I saw Katherine standing . Leaning against the brick wall . Reading a book . I think it said dealth on the book but I wasn't sure . The next thing I know I saw a gut come up to her .

They started talking and talking . Michael came up to me and scared me and said '' I thought you didn't want her or something . '' '' I do . '' The whole time I kept looking at the window at Katherine . It looked like they guy was flirting with her . Then I realize that Katherine is mine and she is so worth it for a bad thing . I will do everything for her . And she wants me . So I ran out the market . Running to Katherine . She looked like she was heading my way . She was going my way but for something else . She was in front of me . I pulled her in close to me . I kissed her . She kissed me back . It started to rain . I didn't care at all . And it seemed like she didn't care either . One of her hands was on my cheek and the other was on my chest . My hands were on her waist . The both of us looked up at the sky . The rain falling on has . Everyone started to clap . I looked back at Michael , Calum , and Luke they were clapping and smiling at us . I whispered in to Katherine's ear saying sorry .

                                                               Katherine's P.OV.

Thank god he kissed me I couldn't imagine my world without him . Me and Ashto walked back to the markert . We went home after they got what they needed . When we all got home me and Ashton dried off and changed . The both of us just snuggled together for the rest of the day . I didn't want to let him go because I don't want to ever lose him . Ever

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